本文的主要参考:How the backpropagation algorithm works





定义网络的cost function,其中的n是训练样本的个数。

下面主要介绍使用反向传播来求取cost function相对于权重wij和偏置项bij的导数。

显然,当输入已知时,cost function只是权值w和偏置项b的函数。这里为了方便推倒,首先计算出∂C/∂zlj,令


式中的L表示最后一层网络,即输出层。如果只考虑一个训练样本,则cost function可表示为









式中Σ'(zL)是主对角线上的元素为σ'(zLj)的对角矩阵。求取了cost function相对于权重wij和偏置项bij的导数之后,便可以使用一些基于梯度的优化算法对网络的权值进行更新。下面是一个2输入2输出的一个BP网络的代码示例,实现的是对输入的每个元素进行逻辑取反操作。

 import numpy as np

 def tanh(x):
return np.tanh(x) def tanh_prime(x):
x = np.tanh(x)
return 1.0 - x ** 2 class Network(object): def __init__(self, sizes):
self.num_layers = len(sizes)
self.sizes = sizes
# self.biases is a column vector
# self.weights' structure is the same as in the book: http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap2.html
self.biases = [np.random.randn(y, 1) for y in sizes[1:]]
self.weights = [np.random.randn(y, x)
for x, y in zip(sizes[:-1], sizes[1:])] def feedforward(self, a):
"""Return the output of the network if "a" is input."""
for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights):
a = sigmoid(np.dot(w, a) + b)
return a def update_mini_batch(self, mini_batch, learning_rate = 0.2):
"""Update the network's weights and biases by applying
gradient descent using backpropagation to a single mini batch.
The "mini_batch" is a list of tuples "(x, y)"."""
nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases]
nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights] # delta_nabla_b is dC/db, delta_nabla_w is dC/dw
for x, y in mini_batch:
delta_nabla_b, delta_nabla_w = self.backprop(x, y)
nabla_b = [nb + dnb for nb, dnb in zip(nabla_b, delta_nabla_b)]
nabla_w = [nw + dnw for nw, dnw in zip(nabla_w, delta_nabla_w)]
self.weights = [w - (learning_rate/len(mini_batch)) * nw
for w, nw in zip(self.weights, nabla_w)]
self.biases = [b - (learning_rate/len(mini_batch)) * nb
for b, nb in zip(self.biases, nabla_b)] def backprop(self, x, y):
"""Return a tuple ``(nabla_b, nabla_w)`` representing the
gradient for the cost function C_x. ``nabla_b`` and
``nabla_w`` are layer-by-layer lists of numpy arrays, similar
to ``self.biases`` and ``self.weights``."""
nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases]
nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights] # feedforward
activation = x
activations = [x] # list to store all the activations, layer by layer
zs = [] # list to store all the z vectors, layer by layer # After this loop, activations = [a0, a1, ..., aL], zs = [z1, z2, ..., zL]
for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights):
z = np.dot(w, activation) + b
activation = sigmoid(z)
activations.append(activation) # backward pass
# delta = deltaL .* sigma'(zL)
delta = self.cost_derivative(activations[-1], y) * \
sigmoid_prime(zs[-1]) # dC/dbL = delta
# dC/dwL = deltaL * a(L-1)^T
nabla_b[-1] = delta
nabla_w[-1] = np.dot(delta, activations[-2].transpose()) '''Note that the variable l in the loop below is used a little
differently to the notation in Chapter 2 of the book. Here,
l = 1 means the last layer of neurons, l = 2 is the
second-last layer, and so on. It's a renumbering of the
scheme in the book, used here to take advantage of the fact
that Python can use negative indices in lists.'''
# z = z(L-l+1), here, l start from 2, end with self.num_layers-1, namely, L-1
# delta = delta(L-l+1) = w(L-l+2)^T * delta(L-l+2) .* z(L-l+1)
# nabla_b[L-l+1] = delta(L-l+1)
# nabla_w[L-l+1] = delta(L-l+1) * a(L-l)^T
for l in xrange(2, self.num_layers):
z = zs[-l]
sp = sigmoid_prime(z)
delta = np.dot(self.weights[-l + 1].transpose(), delta) * sp
nabla_b[-l] = delta
nabla_w[-l] = np.dot(delta, activations[-l - 1].transpose())
return (nabla_b, nabla_w) def evaluate(self, test_data):
"""Return the number of test inputs for which the neural
network outputs the correct result. Note that the neural
network's output is assumed to be the index of whichever
neuron in the final layer has the highest activation."""
test_results = self.feedforward(test_data)
return test_results def cost_derivative(self, output_activations, y):
return (output_activations - y) #### Miscellaneous functions
def sigmoid(z):
return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-z)) # derivative of the sigmoid function
def sigmoid_prime(z):
return sigmoid(z) * (1 - sigmoid(z)) if __name__ == '__main__': nn = Network([2, 2, 2]) X = np.array([[0, 0],
[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[1, 1]]) y = np.array([[1, 1],
[1, 0],
[0, 1],
[0, 0]]) for k in range(40000):
if k % 10000 == 0:
print 'epochs:', k
# Randomly select a sample.
i = np.random.randint(X.shape[0])
nn.update_mini_batch(zip([np.atleast_2d(X[i]).T], [np.atleast_2d(y[i]).T])) for e in X:
print(e, nn.evaluate(np.atleast_2d(e).T))


(array([, ]), array([[ 0.98389328],
[ 0.97490859]]))
(array([, ]), array([[ 0.97694707],
[ 0.01646559]]))
(array([, ]), array([[ 0.03149928],
[ 0.97737158]]))
(array([, ]), array([[ 0.01347963],
[ 0.02383405]]))


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