CREATE TABLE sdb.t_col_row
(id int,
c1 varchar(10),
c2 varchar(10),
c3 varchar(10)
INSERT INTO sdb.t_col_row( id, c1, c2, c3)VALUES (1, 'v11', 'v21', 'v31');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_col_row( id, c1, c2, c3)VALUES (2, 'v12', 'v22', null);
INSERT INTO sdb.t_col_row( id, c1, c2, c3)VALUES (3, 'v13', null, 'v33');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_col_row( id, c1, c2, c3)VALUES (4, null, 'v24', 'v34');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_col_row( id, c1, c2, c3)VALUES (5, 'v11', null, null);
INSERT INTO sdb.t_col_row( id, c1, c2, c3)VALUES (6, null, null, 'v35');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_col_row( id, c1, c2, c3)VALUES (7, null, null, null);
select * from sdb.t_col_row;
select id,'c1' cn,c1 from sdb.t_col_row;
select id,'c2' cn,c2 from sdb.t_col_row;
select id,'c3' cn,c3 from sdb.t_col_row;
CREATE TABLE sdb.t_row_col
select id,'c1' cn,c1 cv
from sdb.t_col_row
union all
select id,'c2' cn,c2 cv
from sdb.t_col_row
union all
select id,'c3' cn,c3 cv
from sdb.t_col_row
select * from sdb.t_row_col
order by 1,2;
select id,
max(case when cn='c1' then cv else null end)as c1,
max(case when cn='c2' then cv else null end)as c2,
max(case when cn='c3' then cv else null end)as c3
from sdb.t_row_col
group by id
order by 1;
CREATE TABLE sdb.t_col_str
select * from sdb.t_col_row;
select * from sdb.t_col_str;
select id,c1||','||c2||','||c3 as c123
from sdb.t_col_str;
CREATE TABLE sdb.t_row_str
id int,col varchar(10)
INSERT INTO sdb.t_row_str( id, col)VALUES (1, 'a');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_row_str( id, col) VALUES (1, 'b');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_row_str(id, col)VALUES (1, 'c');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_row_str( id, col) VALUES (2, 'a');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_row_str( id, col) VALUES (2, 'd');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_row_str( id, col)VALUES (2, 'e');
INSERT INTO sdb.t_row_str( id, col) VALUES (3, 'c');
select * from sdb.t_row_str;
select id,
max(case when rn=1 then col else null end)||
max(case when rn=2 then','||col else null end)||
max(case when rn=3 then','||col else null end) str
from (
select id,col,row_NUMBER() over(partition by id order by col) as rn
from sdb.t_row_str
group by id
order by 1;
CREATE TABLE sdb.t_str_col
as select id,c1||','||c2||','||c3 as c123
from sdb.t_col_str;
select * from sdb.t_str_col;
select c123,split_part(c123,',',1),split_part(c123,',',2),split_part(c123,',',3)
from sdb.t_str_col;
CREATE TABLE sdb.t_str_row
select id,
max(case when rn=1 then col else null end)||
max(case when rn=2 then ','||col else null end)||
max(case when rn=3 then ','||col else null end) str
from (select id,
col,row_number() over(partition by id order by col) as rn
from sdb.t_row_str) t
group by id
order by 1;
select * from sdb.t_str_row;
select id,1 as p,split_part(str,',',1) as cv
from sdb.t_str_row
union all
select id,1 as p,split_part(str,',',2) as cv
from sdb.t_str_row
union all
select id,1 as p,split_part(str,',',3) as cv
from sdb.t_str_row
order by 1,2;
CREATE TABLE empsalary(
depname varchar,
empno bigint,
salary int,
enroll_date date
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('develop',10, 5200, '2007/08/01');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('sales', 1, 5000, '2006/10/01');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('personnel', 5, 3500, '2007/12/10');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('sales', 4, 4800, '2007/08/08');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('sales', 6, 5500, '2007/01/02');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('personnel', 2, 3900, '2006/12/23');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('develop', 7, 4200, '2008/01/01');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('develop', 9, 4500, '2008/01/01');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('sales', 3, 4800, '2007/08/01');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('develop', 8, 6000, '2006/10/01');
INSERT INTO empsalary VALUES('develop', 11, 5200, '2007/08/15');
select * from sdb.empsalary;
select sum(salary) over(partition by empsalary.depname),avg(salary) over(partition by empsalary.depname),*
from sdb.empsalary;
select rank() over(partition by empsalary.depname order by salary),*
from sdb.empsalary;
select sum(salary) over(partition by empsalary.depname order by salary),salary,empsalary.depname
from sdb.empsalary;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sdb.products;
CREATE TABLE sdb.products (
"id" varchar(10) COLLATE "default",
"name" text COLLATE "default",
"price" numeric,
"uid" varchar(14) COLLATE "default",
"type" varchar(100) COLLATE "default"
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0006', 'iPhone X', '9600', null, '电器');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0012', '电视', '3299', '4', '电器');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0004', '辣条', '5.6', '4', '零食');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0007', '薯条', '7.5', '1', '零食');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0009', '方便面', '3.5', '1', '零食');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0005', '铅笔', '7', '4', '文具');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0014', '作业本', '1', null, '文具');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0001', '鞋子', '27', '2', '衣物');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0002', '外套', '110.9', '3', '衣物');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0013', '围巾', '93', '5', '衣物');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0008', '香皂', '17.5', '2', '日用品');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0010', '水杯', '27', '3', '日用品');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0015', '洗发露', '36', '1', '日用品');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0011', '毛巾', '15', '1', '日用品');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0003', '手表', '1237.55', '5', '电器');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0016', '绘图笔', '15', null, '文具');
INSERT INTO sdb.products VALUES ('0017', '汽水', '3.5', null, '零食');
select*from sdb.products ;
select type,name,price,row_number() over(order by price asc)as idx
from sdb.products;
select type,name,price,row_number() over(partition by type order by price asc)as idx
from sdb.products;
--分类排序序号并列 rank()
select type,name,price,rank() over(partition by type order by price asc)
from sdb.products;
--限制序号0-1之间 percernt_rank()
select type,name,price,percent_rank() over(partition by type order by price asc)
from sdb.products;
select type,name,price,cume_dist() over(partition by type order by price asc)
from sdb.products;
--限制最大序号为制定数字序号 ntile()
select type,name,price,ntile(2) over(partition by type order by price asc)
from sdb.products;
select type,name,price,first_value(name) over(partition by type order by price asc)
from sdb.products;
select id,type,name,price,
sum(price) over w1 类别金额合计,
(sum(price) over (order by type))/sum(price) over() 类别总额占所有品类商品百分比,
rank() over w3 排名,
sum(price) over() 金额总计
from sdb.products
w1 as (partition by type),
w2 as (partition by type rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following),
w3 as (partition by type order by price desc)
order by type,price asc;
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