6.3.5 Some Instructions are Reserved for Operating System 为操作系统保留的一些指令

Instructions that have the power to affect the protection mechanism or to influence general system performance can only be executed by trusted procedures. The 80386 has two classes of such instructions:


  1. Privileged instructions -- those used for system control.


  1. Sensitive instructions -- those used for I/O and I/O related activities.


Table 6-3. Interlevel Return Checks 特权级间返回检验

SF = Stack Fault 栈错误

GP = General Protection Exception 一般保护性异常

NP = Segment-Not-Present Exception 段不存在异常

Type of Check                                  Exception   Error Code

ESP is within current SS segment               SF          0

ESP + 7 is within current SS segment           SF          0

RPL of return CS is greater than CPL           GP          Return CS

Return CS selector is not null                 GP          Return CS

Return CS segment is within descriptor

table limit                                  GP          Return CS

Return CS descriptor is a code segment         GP          Return CS

Return CS segment is present                   NP          Return CS

DPL of return nonconforming code

segment = RPL of return CS, or DPL of

return conforming code segment <= RPL

of return CS                                 GP          Return CS

ESP + N + 15 is within SS segment

N   Immediate Operand of RET N Instruction     SF          Return SS

SS selector at ESP + N + 12 is not null        GP          Return SS

SS selector at ESP + N + 12 is within

descriptor table limit                       GP          Return SS

SS descriptor is writable data segment         GP          Return SS

SS segment is present                          SF          Return SS

Saved SS segment DPL = RPL of saved

CS                                           GP          Return SS

Saved SS selector RPL = Saved SS

segment DPL                                  GP          Return SS Privileged Instructions 特权指令

The instructions that affect system data structures can only be executed when CPL is zero. If the CPU encounters one of these instructions when CPL is greater than zero, it signals a general protection exception. These instructions include:

影响系统数据结构的指令只能在CPL是0时被指令。如果CPL大于0时,CPU最到这些指令,它发送一个一般保护异常。这引起指令包括: Sensitive Instructions 敏感指令

Instructions that deal with I/O need to be restricted but also need to be executed by procedures executing at privilege levels other than zero. The mechanisms for restriction of I/O operations are covered in detail in Chapter 8, "Input/Output".


6.3.6 Instructions for Pointer Validation 指针验证指令

Pointer validation is an important part of locating programming errors. Pointer validation is necessary for maintaining isolation between the privilege levels. Pointer validation consists of the following steps:


  1. Check if the supplier of the pointer is entitled to access the segment.


  1. Check if the segment type is appropriate to its intended use.


  1. Check if the pointer violates the segment limit.


Although the 80386 processor automatically performs checks 2 and 3 during instruction execution, software must assist in performing the first check. The unprivileged instruction ARPL is provided for this purpose. Software can also explicitly perform steps 2 and 3 to check for potential violations (rather than waiting for an exception). The unprivileged instructions LARLSLVERR, and VERW are provided for this purpose.


LAR (Load Access Rights) is used to verify that a pointer refers to a segment of the proper privilege level and type. LAR has one operand selector for a descriptor whose access rights are to be examined.


The descriptor must be visible at the privilege level which is the maximum of the CPL and the selector's RPL. If the descriptor is visible, LAR obtains a masked form of the second doubleword of the descriptor, masks this value with 00FxFF00H, stores the result into the specified 32-bit destination register, and sets the zero flag. (The x indicates that the corresponding four bits of the stored value are undefined.)


Once loaded, the access-rights bits can be tested. All valid descriptor types can be tested by the LAR instruction. If the RPL or CPL is greater than DPL, or if the selector is outside the table limit, no access-rights value is returned, and the zero flag is cleared. Conforming code segments may be accessed from any privilege level.


LSL (Load Segment Limit) allows software to test the limit of a descriptor. If the descriptor denoted by the given selector (in memory or a register) is visible at the CPL, LSL loads the specified 32-bit register with a 32-bit, byte granular, unscrambled limit that is calculated from fragmented limit fields and the G-bit of that descriptor.


This can only be done for segments (data, code, task state, and local descriptor tables); gate descriptors are inaccessible. (Table 6-4 lists in detail which types are valid and which are not.) Interpreting the limit is a function of the segment type.


For example, downward expandable data segments treat the limit differently than code segments do. For both LAR and LSL, the zero flag (ZF) is set if the loading was performed; otherwise, the ZF is cleared.


Table 6-4. Valid Descriptor Types for LSL

Type   Descriptor Type             Valid?


0      (invalid)                   NO

1      Available 286 TSS           YES

2      LDT                         YES

3      Busy 286 TSS                YES

4      286 Call Gate               NO

5      Task Gate                   NO

6      286 Trap Gate               NO

7      286 Interrupt Gate          NO

8      (invalid)                   NO

9      Available 386 TSS           YES

A      (invalid)                   NO

B      Busy 386 TSS                YES

C      386 Call Gate               NO

D      (invalid)                   NO

E      386 Trap Gate               NO

F      386 Interrupt Gate          NO Descriptor Validation 描述符检验

The 80386 has two instructions, VERR and VERW, which determine whether a selector points to a segment that can be read or written at the current privilege level. Neither instruction causes a protection fault if the result is negative.


VERR (Verify for Reading) verifies a segment for reading and loads ZF with 1 if that segment is readable from the current privilege level. VERR checks that:


  • The selector points to a descriptor within the bounds of the GDT or LDT.


  • It denotes a code or data segment descriptor.


  • The segment is readable and of appropriate privilege level.


The privilege check for data segments and nonconforming code segments is that the DPL must be numerically greater than or equal to both the CPL and the selector's RPL. Conforming segments are not checked for privilege level.


VERW (Verify for Writing) provides the same capability as VERR for verifying writability. Like the VERR instruction, VERW loads ZF if the result of the writability check is positive. The instruction checks that the descriptor is within bounds, is a segment descriptor, is writable, and that its DPL is numerically greater or equal to both the CPL and the selector's RPL. Code segments are never writable, conforming or not.

VERW(检验是否可写)提供了VERR相同的能力来检验段是否可写。就象VERR指令一样,VERW在检验结果是可写时将ZF置位。指令相依相偎描述符是否在边界之内,是否为一个段描述符,其段是否可写入,其DPL是否在数值上均大于或等于CPL和选择子的RPL。代码段从不是可写入的,一致段也一样。 Pointer Integrity and RPL 指针完整性和RPL

The Requestor's Privilege Level (RPL) feature can prevent inappropriate use of pointers that could corrupt the operation of more privileged code or data from a less privileged level.

A common example is a file system procedure, FREAD (file_id, n_bytes, buffer_ptr). This hypothetical procedure reads data from a file into a buffer, overwriting whatever is there. Normally, FREAD would be available at the user level, supplying only pointers to the file system procedures and data located and operating at a privileged level. Normally, such a procedure prevents user-level procedures from directly changing the file tables. However, in the absence of a standard protocol for checking pointer validity, a user-level procedure could supply a pointer into the file tables in place of its buffer pointer, causing the FREAD procedure to corrupt them unwittingly.

Use of RPL can avoid such problems. The RPL field allows a privilege attribute to be assigned to a selector. This privilege attribute would normally indicate the privilege level of the code which generated the selector. The 80386 processor automatically checks the RPL of any selector loaded into a segment register to determine whether the RPL allows access.

To take advantage of the processor's checking of RPL, the called procedure need only ensure that all selectors passed to it have an RPL at least as high (numerically) as the original caller's CPL. This action guarantees that selectors are not more trusted than their supplier. If one of the selectors is used to access a segment that the caller would not be able to access directly, i.e., the RPL is numerically greater than the DPL, then a protection fault will result when that selector is loaded into a segment register.

ARPL (Adjust Requestor's Privilege Level) adjusts the RPL field of a selector to become the larger of its original value and the value of the RPL field in a specified register. The latter is normally loaded from the image of the caller's CS register which is on the stack. If the adjustment changes the selector's RPL, ZF (the zero flag) is set; otherwise, ZF is cleared.


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