Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest anyChar "a"
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (char 'a') "a"
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (satisfy (=='a')) "a"
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (oneOf "abc") "a"
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (string "a") "a"
- anyChar 匹配任意字符
- char c 匹配特定字符 c
- satisfy p 匹配谓词 p
- oneOf s 匹配字符串 s 中的任意字符
- string s 匹配特定字符串 s
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (many digit) "3"
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (many digit) ""
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (many1 digit) ""
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected end of input
expecting digit
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (many1 digit) "3"
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (many1 digit) "34"
Prelude Text.Parsec> parseTest (many digit) "34"
- many 匹配0次1次或多次
- many1 匹配1次或多次
- digit 匹配数字
在 Parser Monad 中改变返回值类型
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> num = do{ n <- many1 digit; return $ read n } :: Parser Integer
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest num "123"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> whitespace = Control.Monad.void $ many $ oneOf " \n\t" :: Parser ()
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (whitespace >> anyChar) " a"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> lexeme = (\p -> whitespace >> p) :: Parser a -> Parser a
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (lexeme anyChar) " a"
sequence 和 choice
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (sequence [anyChar, anyChar]) "ab"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (anyChar >> anyChar) "ab"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (choice [anyChar, digit]) "a"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (choice [anyChar, digit]) "3"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (anyChar <|> digit) "a"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (anyChar <|> digit) "3"
- sequence 匹配并且,与 (>>) 操作符有所不同。
- choice 匹配或者,也可用 (<|>) 操作符
使用 try 来回溯
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (sequence [char 'a', char 'b'] <|> sequence [char 'a', char 'c']) "ac"
parse error at (line 1, column 2):
unexpected "c"
expecting "b"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (try (sequence [char 'a', char 'b']) <|> sequence [char 'a', char 'c']) "ac"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (string "ab" <|> string "ac") "ac"
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected "c"
expecting "ab"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parseTest (try (string "ab") <|> string "ac") "ac"
- 当 choice 的成员parser由多个parser组成时,该成员的某一部分parser成功某一部分parser失败将会导致该成员匹配失败,从而失去匹配其他成员parser的机会。
- 此时应该使用 try 来强制回溯。
Intro to Parsing with Parsec in Haskell
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