X509Store 类
标题:X509Store 类
表示 X.509 存储区,该存储区是保留和管理证书的物理存储区。 此类不能被继承。
本部分包含两个示例。 第一个示例演示如何打开标准 x.509 存储, 并列出每个存储中的证书数量。
此示例尝试打开当前计算机上每个标准位置中的每个标准存储区。 它将打印摘要, 其中显示每个存储是否存在, 如果存在, 则显示它包含的证书的数量。
该示例为标准X509Store名称和标准位置的每个组合创建一个对象。 Open 它OpenFlags.OpenExistingOnly通过标志调用方法, 该标志仅在已存在时打开物理存储区。 如果物理存储存在, 则该示例使用Name、 Location和Certificates属性显示存储区中的证书数量。
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class Example
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("\r\nExists Certs Name and Location");
Console.WriteLine("------ ----- -------------------------"); foreach (StoreLocation storeLocation in (StoreLocation[])
foreach (StoreName storeName in (StoreName[])
X509Store store = new X509Store(storeName, storeLocation); try
store.Open(OpenFlags.OpenExistingOnly); Console.WriteLine("Yes {0,4} {1}, {2}",
store.Certificates.Count, store.Name, store.Location);
catch (CryptographicException)
Console.WriteLine("No {0}, {1}",
store.Name, store.Location);
} /* This example produces output similar to the following: Exists Certs Name and Location
------ ----- -------------------------
Yes 1 AddressBook, CurrentUser
Yes 25 AuthRoot, CurrentUser
Yes 136 CA, CurrentUser
Yes 55 Disallowed, CurrentUser
Yes 20 My, CurrentUser
Yes 36 Root, CurrentUser
Yes 0 TrustedPeople, CurrentUser
Yes 1 TrustedPublisher, CurrentUser No AddressBook, LocalMachine
Yes 25 AuthRoot, LocalMachine
Yes 131 CA, LocalMachine
Yes 55 Disallowed, LocalMachine
Yes 3 My, LocalMachine
Yes 36 Root, LocalMachine
Yes 0 TrustedPeople, LocalMachine
Yes 1 TrustedPublisher, LocalMachine */
此示例将打开一个 x.509 证书存储区, 添加并删除证书, 然后关闭存储区。 它假定你有三个要在本地存储区中添加和删除的证书。
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.IO; public class X509store2
public static void Main (string[] args)
//Create new X509 store called teststore from the local certificate store.
X509Store store = new X509Store ("teststore", StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
store.Open (OpenFlags.ReadWrite);
X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2 (); //Create certificates from certificate files.
//You must put in a valid path to three certificates in the following constructors.
X509Certificate2 certificate1 = new X509Certificate2 ("c:\\mycerts\\*****.cer");
X509Certificate2 certificate2 = new X509Certificate2 ("c:\\mycerts\\*****.cer");
X509Certificate2 certificate5 = new X509Certificate2 ("c:\\mycerts\\*****.cer"); //Create a collection and add two of the certificates.
X509Certificate2Collection collection = new X509Certificate2Collection ();
collection.Add (certificate2);
collection.Add (certificate5); //Add certificates to the store.
store.Add (certificate1);
store.AddRange (collection); X509Certificate2Collection storecollection = (X509Certificate2Collection)store.Certificates;
Console.WriteLine ("Store name: {0}", store.Name);
Console.WriteLine ("Store location: {0}", store.Location);
foreach (X509Certificate2 x509 in storecollection)
Console.WriteLine("certificate name: {0}",x509.Subject);
} //Remove a certificate.
store.Remove (certificate1);
X509Certificate2Collection storecollection2 = (X509Certificate2Collection)store.Certificates;
Console.WriteLine ("{1}Store name: {0}", store.Name, Environment.NewLine);
foreach (X509Certificate2 x509 in storecollection2)
Console.WriteLine ("certificate name: {0}", x509.Subject);
} //Remove a range of certificates.
store.RemoveRange (collection);
X509Certificate2Collection storecollection3 = (X509Certificate2Collection)store.Certificates;
Console.WriteLine ("{1}Store name: {0}", store.Name, Environment.NewLine);
if (storecollection3.Count == )
Console.WriteLine ("Store contains no certificates.");
foreach (X509Certificate2 x509 in storecollection3)
Console.WriteLine ("certificate name: {0}", x509.Subject);
} //Close the store.
store.Close ();
使用此类处理 x.509 存储。
从开始IDisposable , 此类型实现接口。 .NET Framework 4.6 在使用完类型后,您应直接或间接释放类型。 若要直接释放类型,请在 try
块中调用其 Dispose 方法。 若要间接释放类型,请使用 using
(在 C# 中)或 Using
(在 Visual Basic 中)等语言构造。 有关详细信息,请参阅 IDisposable 接口主题中的“使用实现 IDisposable 的对象”一节。
对于面向.NET Framework 4.5.2和更早版本的应用X509Store , IDisposable类不实现接口, 因此不具有Dispose
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