

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv)
vector<string> V;
string tmp; while (getline(cin, tmp))
if (tmp == "")
break; // 回车结束
// sort(V.begin(), V.end());// 升序
sort(V.begin(), V.end(), greater<string>()); // 降序
copy(V.begin(), V.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));
return ;





#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std; // 通常的查找方法,通过'\0'来结束查找
char* strchr(char *s, int c)
while (*s != '\0' && *s != c)
return *s == c ? s : (char*) ; // #define NULL (char*) 0
} // C 改进版本的查找方法,引入了range的概念[first, last),
// 通过比较指针first = last来结束查找
char* find1(char* first, char* last, int value)
while (first != last && *first != value)
return first;
} // C++ 模板方法查找,数据类型作为模板参数传入
template<class T>
T* find2(T* first, T* last, T value)
while (first != last && *first != value)
return first;
} // C++ 模板方法查找,访问器和数据类型都作为模板参数传入,
// 相较于find2,find具有更一般性。其很好地解决了以下问题:
// 1.审视元素;2.移动到下一个元素;3.检查是否已经处理完成所有元素;4.元素比较
template<class Iterator, class T>
Iterator find3(Iterator first, Iterator last, const T& value)
while (first != last && *first != value)
return first;
} // 链表查找
struct int_node
int value;
int_node* next;
}; // 链表无法满足 操作符的比较,因此通过一个外覆类实现++ == ->等操作符号的重载
template<class Node>
struct node_wrapper
Node* ptr;
node_wrapper(Node* p = )
: ptr(p)
// *
Node& operator *() const
return *ptr;
// 访问->
Node* operator ->() const
return ptr;
// 前置累加
node_wrapper operator++()
ptr = ptr->next; return *this;
// 后置累加
node_wrapper operator ++(int)
node_wrapper tmp = *this;
return tmp;
// 相等判断
bool operator ==(const node_wrapper& i) const
return ptr == i.ptr;
// 非相等判断
bool operator !=(const node_wrapper& i) const
return ptr != i.ptr;
}; // template funtion, object function
template<class Node, class T>
bool operator !=(const Node& node, T value)
if (node.value != value)
return true;
return false;
} int main(int argc, char** argv)
char pat = 'x';
char str[] = "horsetail";
int str_size = strlen(str); cout << "****Task1: to find '" << pat << "' from \"" << str << "\"" << endl; // 通常的查找方法,通过'\0'来结束查找
cout << "----testing strchr----" << endl;
char* res = strchr(str, (int) pat); // to find
if (res != NULL)
cout << "found " << pat << endl;
cout << "not found " << pat << endl; // C 改进版本的查找方法,引入了range的概念[first, last),
// 通过比较指针first = last来结束查找
cout << "----testing find1----" << endl;
res = find1(str, str + str_size, (int) pat); // to find
if (res != str + str_size)
cout << "found " << pat << endl;
cout << "not found " << pat << endl; // C++ 模板方法查找,数据类型作为模板参数传入
cout << "----testing find2----" << endl;
res = find2(str, str + str_size, pat); // to find
if (res != str + str_size)
cout << "found " << pat << endl;
cout << "not found " << pat << endl; // C++ 模板方法查找,访问器和数据类型都作为模板参数传入,
// 相较于find2,find具有更一般性。其很好地解决了以下问题:
// 1.审视元素;2.移动到下一个元素;3.检查是否已经处理完成所有元素;4.元素比较
cout << "----testing find3----" << endl;
res = find3(str, str + str_size, pat); // to find
if (res != str + str_size)
cout << "found " << pat << endl;
cout << "not found " << pat << endl; // 链表查找,链表无法满足 操作符的比较,因此通过一个外覆类实现++ == ->等操作符号的重载
int value = ;
int link_size = ;
cout << endl;
cout << "****Task2: to find " << value << " from {0,1,2,3,...,10}" << endl;
cout << "----testing link int_node with find3----" << endl;
int_node* head_node = new int_node();
head_node->value = ;
head_node->next = ;
int_node* pnode = head_node;
for (int i = ; i < link_size; i++)
{// link contain {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,...}
int_node* node = new int_node();
node->value = i;
node->next = ; pnode->next = node;
pnode = node;
} node_wrapper<int_node> first(head_node);
node_wrapper<int_node> last();
node_wrapper<int_node> result = find3(first, last, value); // to find
if (result != last)
cout << "found " << value << endl;
cout << "not found " << value << endl; return ;


****Task1: to find 'x' from "horsetail"
----testing strchr----
not found x
----testing find1----
not found x
----testing find2----
not found x
----testing find3----
not found x ****Task2: to find from {,,,,...,}
----testing link int_node with find3----


[1].泛型编程与STL 侯捷 - 2003 - 中国电力出版社,第二章


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