Learning Note For MvvmLight MvvmLight quitstart refer link1 : MVVMLight HelloWorld *** mc:Ignorable usage. we have a lot of places using mc:Ignorable in our xaml. it is used to Comment code in xaml.how to use it in our xaml, we can refer this topic.…
不需要AIDL也不需要复杂的ContentProvider,也不需要SharedPreferences或者共享存储文件! 只需要简单易懂的Messenger,它也称为信使,通过它可以在不同进程中传递message对象,在message中放入我们需要传递的数据你就可以实现跨进程通讯和传递数据.废话不多说,直接上代码. 首先是服务端: public class Ser extends Service{ @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {…