坑都让我踩了...... 1 supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf 什么意思? 答:手动启动:supervisord 具体详见 :supervisord监控服务常用技巧 2 运行supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf 出现“Error: Another program is already listening on a port that one of our HTT…
一个pymssql 的程序在解释器上运行正常,但是用py2exe打包后,提示 ImportError: No module named _mssql 百度了半天无果,然后bing,结果bing还是比百度靠谱,某神网的这段话,让我有了灵感,英语真心不怎么好滴说: FYI there is a separate newsgroup for py2exe at gmane.comp.python.py2exe. You may want to post there also. Just as a su…
win7旗舰版安装VMware,安装过程中发生了如下错误.系统提示:“You may not install this product in the root directory of any drive” 如下图: WIN7相对于XP来说,做了更为严格的权限调整.从vista开始,便加入了UAC(UAC(User Account Control,用户帐户),因为不喜欢用杀软的关系,我都会将UAC调至最高,然后系统装一个实时监控软件来搭配使用. 如果你在使用过程中,也碰到了如图的错误提示,那是因…