pmxcfs The Proxmox Cluster file system (“pmxcfs”) is a database-driven file system for storing configuration files, replicated in real time to all cluster nodes using corosync. We use this to store all PVE related configuration files.Although the fil…
github 相关英语 repository n. 仓库 A repository contains all the files for your project, including the revision( 修订,修改,修订版 ) history. existing adj 现有的,目前的 README 自述文件 setting 设置 commit 把…托付给; 保证(做某事.遵守协议或遵从安排等); 承诺,使…承担义务;…
网络结构 Ceph 使用以太网连接内部各存储节点以及连接 client 和集群.Ceph 推荐使用两个网络: 前端(北向)网络( a public (front-side) network):连接客户端和集群 The public network handles client traffic and communication with Ceph monitors. 后端/东西向网络 (a cluster (back-side) network):连接 Ceph 各存储节 The cluste…