Shared App Information You can access these properties from the App Details page in the App Information section. This information is shared across any platform added to the app. Property Description Editable Primary Language The language you use to e…
源地址:,iphone-m3u8-segmenter-from-ffmpeg-for-video-streaming Recent versions of ffmpeg contains a m3u8 segmenter feature which can be used for remuxing video files for streaming over http and watching video on iphone…
最近做了一版微信宣传页,通过JQ来判断设备,并进行下载 微信内置浏览器对下载链接进行了屏蔽,所以先进行判断,如果是微信内置浏览器,则跳转应用宝链接,如果不是,则判断是iPhone/Adroid/PC 并进行跳转 代码如下: function downloadApp(){ var u = navigator.userAgent; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isAndroid = u.indexOf('Android') > -1…