原始表数据如下: 需求:现要求按分号“;”将rate_item列进行分割后插入到新的数据表中. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fun_gp_test_xxx_20181026(v_month int) RETURNS INT AS $BODY$ declare v_num int; v_count int; begin v_num :; v_count :; loop v_num :; ) into v_count from temp_cwh_test_1106 wher…
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SF_Taishou_Ksai_Date(v_receiptNum IN CHAR,                                                v_his        IN CHAR)  RETURN VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC IS  RESULT              VARCHAR2(50);  v_result_t          VARCHAR2(50);  v_tmp_… 创建一个package(包) 声明: create or replace package mpay_route is   procedure or function declare; end mpay_route;   实现: create or replace package body mpay_route is   procedure or function define; end mpay_route;  …
一.type / create or repalce type 区别联系 相同: 可用关键字create type 或者直接用type定义自定义类型, 区别: create type 变量 as table of 类型 -- create type 变量 as object( 字段1 类型1, 字段2 类型2 ); -------------------------- type 变量 is table of 类型 -- type 变量 is record( 字段1 类型1, 字段2 类型2 );…
How to create DB2user function easily by DB Query Analyzer 6.03 Ma Genfeng (Guangdong Unitoll Servicesincorporated, Guangzhou510300) Abstract  The latest version of DB QueryAnalyzer is 6.03 In DB Query Analyzer 6.03, without changing any Windows OS s…
Azure Functions lets you execute your code in a serverless environment without having to first create a VM or publish a web application. In this article, you learn how to use the Visual Studio 2017 tools for Azure Functions to locally create and test…
1.视图 a. CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER = `root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `sakila`.`actor_info` AS SELECT `a`.`actor_id` AS `actor_id`, `a`.`first_name` AS `first_name`, `a`.`last_name` AS `last_name`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(`…
哈哈:)我的codepen 的代码笔记是: ------------------------------------------------------- 84down votefavorite 39 I mean, check it out this code : <a href="#" id="link">Link</a> <span>Moving&…
Scala collection such as List or Sequence or even an Array to variable argument function using the syntax :_ *. code : def printReport(names: String*) { println(s"""Donut Report = ${names.mkString(" - ")}""") } prin…
A  key part of getting transitions to happen when we want  them to is the design of reasonable cost functions. we want to penalize and reward the right things. I am going to work through an example of  one way you  might think about designing  a cost…