A NullPointerException in Java application is best way to solve it and that is also key to write robust programs which can work smoothly. As it said “prevention is better than cure”, same is true with nasty NullPointerException. Thankfully by applyin…
This article represents top 5 coding practices related with Java exception handling that you may want to watch out for or better say, avoid, while doing coding for exception handling. Recently, I have been involved with code review of multiple Java p…
List Never swallow the exception in catch block Declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw Do not catch the Exception class rather catch specific sub classes Never catch Throwable class Always correctly wrap the exceptions in…
转载自https://www.baeldung.com/java-8-lambda-expressions-tips 1. Overview   Now that Java 8 has reached wide usage, patterns, and best practices have begun to emerge for some of its headlining features. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look to fu…
2020年3月17日发布,Java正式发布了JDK 14 ,目前已经可以开放下载.在JDK 14中,共有16个新特性,本文主要来介绍其中的一个特性:JEP 358: Helpful NullPointerExceptions null何错之有? 对于Java程序员来说,null是令人头痛的东西.时常会受到空指针异常(NullPointerException)的骚扰.相信很多程序员都特别害怕出现程序中出现NPE,因为这种异常往往伴随着代码的非预期运行. 在编程语言中,空引用(Null Refere…
1.Java没有sizeof关键字 , volatile是java关键字.详情见:http://www.cnblogs.com/aigongsi/archive/2012/04/01/2429166.html 2.Java的类定义可以定义一个与类名相同的方法,可以编译并执行. public class Worker extends Person{ public Worker() { System.out.println("i am worker"); } public void Wor…
001 - Java中print.printf与println的区别? printf:格式化输出,用来控制输出的格式. print:标准输出,不换行. println:标准输出,换行.例如,println("test")相当于print("test\n"). 示例: package test; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("tes…
在PTA提交Java程序需要注意如下几个要点 1. Main类与Scanner 1.1 Main类 你提交的所有程序都应该以如下形式出现 public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ //其他代码 } } 即,代码中必须存在一个public class Main.不允许出现其他的public class. 1.2 输入与输出 Java中使用Scanner处理输入.你需要注意如下几个地方 程序开头必须import java.u…
boolean类型转化为string boolean b = true; String s = String.valueOf(b); System.out.println(s);…
String.split方法很常用,用于切割字符串,split传入的参数是正则表达式,它的内部是每次都comiple正则表达式,再调用Pattern.split方法: public String[] split(String regex, int limit) { return Pattern.compile(regex).split(this, limit); } public String[] split(String regex) { return split(regex, 0); } 因…