关于<Thinking in Unity3D> 笔者在研究和使用Unity3D的过程中,获得了一些Unity3D方面的信息,同时也感叹Unity3D设计之精妙.不得不说,笔者最近几年的引擎研发工作中,早已习惯性的从Unity3D中寻找解决方案. Unity3D虽比不上UE那么老练沉稳,气势磅礴.也比不上CE那样炫丽多姿,盛气凌人.但它的发展势如破竹,早已遍地生花!故而在此记录一些自己的心得体会,供大家参详交流.若有欠妥之处,还望各位及时指正. Thinking in Unity3D由一…
OpenCascade Chinese Text Rendering eryar@163.com Abstract. OpenCascade uses advanced text rendering powered by FTGL library. The FreeType provides vector text rendering, as a result the text can be rotated and zoomed without quality loss. FreeType al…
http://www.codinglabs.net/tutorial_opengl_deferred_rendering_shadow_mapping.aspx Tutorial - Deferred Rendering Shadow Mapping In this tutorial I will present the shadow mapping technique implemented in a deferred renderer. This tutorial will lean on…