Introduction to the special issue of Radiation Protection Dosimetry This special issue is a collection of peer-reviewed articles derived from presentations at the fourth EPR BioDose Meeting, held in Hanover, NH, USA in 4–8 October 2015. Organised by…
这一篇作为本期的结束是因为发现后面的一些基本上也是EPR有关的会议内容, Contribution of Harold M. Swartz to In VivoEPR and EPR Dosimetry In 2015, we are celebrating half a century of research in the application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) as a biodosimetry tool to evaluat…
Using Stable Free Radicals to Obtain Unique and Clinically Useful Data In Vivo in Human Subjects Abstract This paper attempts to: (1) provide a critical overview of the challenges and opportunities to extend electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) into…
Evaluation of Imaging Dose From Different Image Guided Systems During Head and Neck Radiotherapy: A Phantom Study Abstract This work evaluated and compared the absorbed doses to selected organs in the head and neck region from the three image guided…
Shielding activation of petawatt laser facilities in Romania: a FLUKA preliminary evaluation   Abstract The FLUKA 2011.2c code was used to evaluate the activity induced in the irradiation chamber walls by secondary charged particles emitted during th…
Natural variation of ambient dose rate in the air of Izu-Oshima Island after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident   Abstract The ambient dose rate in air and radioactivity concentration in soil samples collected on Izu-Oshima Island wer…
Monte Carlo simulation of secondary radiation exposure from high-energy photon therapy using an anthropomorphic phantom   Abstract The development of intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatments delivering large amounts of monitor units (MUs) recently…
Non-vascular interventional procedures: effective dose to patient and equivalent dose to abdominal organs by means of DICOM images and Monte Carlo simulation   Abstract This study evaluates X-ray exposure in patient undergoing abdominal extra-vascula…
Design and fabrication of a multipurpose thyroid phantom for medical dosimetry and calibration   Abstract A multipurpose anthropomorphic neck phantom was designed and fabricated for use in medical applications. The designed neck phantom is composed o…
Influence of the phantom shape (slab, cylinder or Alderson) on the performance of an Hp(3) eye dosemeter   Abstract In the past, the operational quantity Hp(3) was defined for calibration purposes in a slab phantom. Recently, an additional phantom in…
GEANT4 calculations of neutron dose in radiation protection using a homogeneous phantom and a Chinese hybrid male phantom   Abstract The purpose of this study is to verify the feasibility(可行性) of applying GEANT4 (version 10.01) in neutron dose calcul…
Meeting time: 2016.August.02 1:00~2:00 Chairperson:  Valerii Kovalchuk, from Mirantis Meeting summary: 1.Backports Link:         2.Open Discus…
Moo Volume Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 22104   Accepted: 6692 Description Farmer John has received a noise complaint from his neighbor, Farmer Bob, stating that his cows are making too much noise.  FJ's N cows (1 <= N…
/* 对于题目多读几遍,然后再关键字排序的时候,把对应的数组序号也排序, EYDE    MBLR    THAN    MEKT    ETOE    EOTH        MEETME    BYTHEO    LDOAKT    REENTH */ #include<iostream>#include<string>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;int main(){ int n; string keyword; …
// Problem#: 1007// Submission#: 4893204// The source code is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License// URI: All Copyright reserved by Informatic La…
undefined undefined是全局对象(window)的一个特殊属性,其值是未定义的.但 typeof undefined 返回 'undefined' . 虽然undefined是有特殊含义的,但它确实是一个属性,而且是全局对象(window)的属性.当我们在程序中使用undefined值时,实际上使用的是window对象的undefined属性. 注意: ·undefined参与任何数值计算时,其结果一定是NaN. ·只能用 === 运算来测试某个值是否是未定义的,因为 == 运算…
js类型 js中的数据类型有undefined,boolean,number,string,null,object等6种,前5种为原始类型(基本类型),基本类型的访问是按值访问的,就是说你可以操作保存在变量中的实际的值.第6种为引用类型. 基本类型 基本类型有以下几个特点: ·基本类型的值是不可变的.任何方法都无法改变一个基本类型的值,比如一个字符串: var name = 'jozo'; name.toUpperCase();    // 输出 'JOZO' console.log(name)…
math(leetcode) 小结 在leetcode中有些知识点(套路) 判断一个数是不是能被某些数整除,可以用 n%x == 0,循环除的话,就将while(n%x == 0)的循环条件设置判断整除(取余),然后除该数后在继续判断. 231.power of two(判断一个数是不是2的幂) class Solution { public: bool isPowerOfTwo(int n) { ) return false; ) return true; == ) { n = n / ; }……
ambi/amphi: 指on both sides或者around的意思,ambi-来自拉丁语,amphi-来自希腊语.ambidextrous:[ˌæmbi'dekstrəs] adj. 两手俱利的,怀有二心的.拉丁文左:sinister,右:dexterous :amphibian: [æm'fɪbiən] adj. 两栖类的, 水陆两用的 n. 两栖动物, 水陆两用飞机, 水陆两用车.from amphi ‘both’ + bios ‘life’) ambiguous: [æm'bɪɡj…
ref: OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project/Pages/Offline   App Name / Link Technology Other links Author Notes btslab PHP     Includes flas…
都在回顾自己的2016,今天我们来看看.NET Core的2016. 每一年的脚步的确是快,转眼间马上就2017.新的一年,带着理想和抱负继续出发. 1 月 ASP.NET 5 改名 ASP.NET Core 1.0 改名的根本原因:之前称之为"ASP.NET 5"确实让人感觉这是ASP.NET 4.6的升级版,比其功能更加强大,未来会替代ASP.NET 4.6.其实不是的,因为"ASP.NET 5"是另起炉灶开发,和 ASP.NET 4.6是并行独立的关系. 所在…
Android Weekly Issue #231 November 13th, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #231 Android Weekly阅读笔记, Issue #231, 本期内容包括: MVP中的View做成passive响应式的, 返回Observable; Android Studio使用技巧; BottomNavigationView的使用; App tracking; Kotlin; 用Kotlin实现的Filter Animation效果; Dag…
Android Weekly Issue #233 November 27th, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #233 本期内容包括: 用Mockito做RxJava的单元测试; Android开发中的命令行使用; Android 7.1的App Shortcuts; 自定义View的绘制; 用Firebase的Remote Config进行feature逐步分发; APK分析工具的使用, APK瘦身讨论; RxJava处理网络请求和缓存; presenter的设计; 用…
Android Weekly Issue #232 November 20th, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #232 本期内容包括: Kotlin的优势讨论; MVVM模式结合RxJava和Retrofit的应用构架实现; Android中传感器使用; 如何给App写单元测试; Reductor的组合使用; Android应用进程被杀死的状态恢复和问题处理; Kotlin中的Anko; 后台任务处理库"Android Job"; VectorDrawable和…
Android Weekly Notes Issue #230 November 6th, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #230. Android Weekly笔记, 本期内容包括: Mockito的扩展; ConstraintLayout的链式约束; Kotlin的Async-Await; RxJava2.0; 屏幕旋转导致的Activity重建; Throwable类的设计问题; Espresso测试中如何等待异步请求返回; Kotlin的扩展和运算符重载; Andr…
Android Weekly Issue #229 October 30th, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #229 Android Weekly笔记, 本期内容包括: 性能库Pury的插件化; 一种新的多选设计和实现; 音频播放; Dagger的测试mock方案; ConstraintLayout的链式约束; Mobile Vision API的二维码扫描功能; RxJava的使用缺陷讨论; SOLID原则图解. ARTICLES & TUTORIALS Get acc…
Android Weekly Issue #228 October 23rd, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #228 本期内容包括: Android 7.1的App Shortcuts; Searchbar的设计讨论; Nougat的Direct Reply; Alarms API讨论; Support Library的BottomNavigationView; MVVM模式; Dagger2的subcomponent实现; Test Rules介绍等. ARTICLES…
Android Weekly Issue #227 October 16th, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #227. 本期内容包括: Google的Mobile Vision API 人脸检测; Firebase的Remote Config; 与HashMap有关的优化; 提高RecyclerView帧率的优化; 使用AutoValue生成model代码; 开源库中抽象类和接口的使用讨论; Bottom Sheet的使用; Android Studio中的版本控制系统;…
Android Weekly Issue #226 October 9th, 2016 Android Weekly Issue #226 本期内容包括: 用Firebase做A/B Test; 用RxJava做动画; MVP; proguardFiles; RxJava和Android Data Binding的结合; Mockito的更新; Gradle configurations等. ARTICLES & TUTORIALS 用Firebase做A/B Test A/B Test you…