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Description You are in charge of the security for a large building, with n rooms and m doors between the rooms. The rooms and doors are conveniently numbered from 1 to n, and from 1 to m, respectively. Door i opens from room ai to room bi , but not t…
题意:给你一张有向图,每条边有个限制范围,只有权值在限制范围内的人能走这条边,问你权值不超过K的人中,有多少人能从S到T. K很大,因此我们只处理边的范围的上下界这O(m)个权值能否到达,以防万一,还处理了这些权值+1.-1的可达性.然后去重.离散化出来的这些区间中,两个端点都可达的话,其内部的点也必然可达.当然端点本身也是可达的. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<se…
Opening a file from a DFS domain share shows a security warning while openning from the server share directly doesn't. To solve this problem, add "*.domain.local" to intranet zone in internet options. To add the domain to the intranet zone autom…
题意:给一个r*c的矩阵开关(初始全打开的),每次按下一个开关都会改变3*3范围内的有*的地方的状态,问你最少几步能让开关全闭上,按升序输出按哪些按钮 思路:每个按钮至多按一下,按按钮的顺序和结果无关.我们把当前矩阵的开关状态状压到 long long,并且预处理按下每个按钮的变化,这样可以直接异或得到新的状态.这里还需要剪枝,因为顺序无关,我们直接从1按到r*c,那么如果我们按到第k行,现在就已经影响不到k-2行了,所以k-2行如果有开关没闭上就return. 代码: #include<set…
题目大意:求将一个r*c的按钮矩阵由全部为关变成全部为开的最少按扭次数,每按一次开关能作用到的范围不定. 题目分析:开关问题.打眼一看就是BFS+位压缩,但是写出来之后TLE.用DFS不断更新最优解.最坏有2^25种情况,加两个剪枝: 一.每一个开关最多只能影响三行,当第now_r-2行仍然有开关关着,则这种方案不可能使所有按钮全部打开,剪掉(并且是主剪): 二.当当前总的按按钮次数大于已经达到的答案,则剪掉: 第二个剪枝效果不强,加不加都是26ms过,但不加第一个剪枝一定TLE. 这道题用BF…
换了个环境,出现此异常 016-10-18 23:54:01,334 WARN [org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader] - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 2016-10-18 23:54:01,668 INFO [org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurati…
2014牡丹江网络赛C题 (第三水的题 The 2014 ACM-ICPC Asia Mudanjiang Regional First Round http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3811 Untrusted Patrol Time Limit: 3 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Edward is a rich man. He owns a large fact…
异常: org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: Permission denied: user=root, access=WRITE, inode="/user":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.DefaultAuthorizationProvider.checkFsPermission(DefaultAuthoriza…
org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException: Permission denied: user=xxj, access=WRITE, inode="user":hadoop:supergroup:rwxr-xr-x sulution:added this entry to conf/hdfs-site.xml <property><name>dfs.permissions</name><va…
Valid Pattern Lock Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Pattern lock security is generally used in Android handsets instead of a password. The pattern lock can be set by joining points on a 3 × 3 matrix in a chosen order. The points of t…