Transpile Modules with Babel in Jest Tests Jest automatically loads and applies our babel configuration. However, because our project takes advantage of tree shaking with webpack, our babel configuration disables transpiling modules. For Jest to work…
Setup an afterEach Test Hook for all tests with Jest setupTestFrameworkScriptFile With our current test situation, we have a commonality between most of our tests. In each one of them, we're importing 'react-testing-library/cleanup-after-each' in our…
Run Jest Watch Mode by default locally with is-ci-cli In CI, we don’t want to start the tests in watch mode, but locally we normally want to run the tests in watch mode. We can have separate scripts, but it’d be great to not have to remember which sc…
Web.config Transformation Syntax for Web Application Project Deployment Other Versions   Updated: May 2011 Web.config files typically include settings that have to be different depending on which environment the application is running in. For example…
JavaScript Application Architecture On The Road To 2015 I once told someone I was an architect. It’s true in a way since I now have to design an intricate web of lies to back it up. On a serious note, I thought it might be salutary to look at the sta…
Introduction One of the really cool features that are integrated with Visual Studio 2010 is Web.Config (XDT) transformations. ASP.NET Web.Config transformations are a great way to manage configurations in several environments. We can easily change a…
bootstrap.yml  和application.yml  都可以用来配置参数 bootstrap.yml可以理解成系统级别的一些参数配置,这些参数一般是不会变动的 application.yml 可以用来定义应用级别的,如果搭配spring-cloud-config使用 application.yml里面定义的文件可以实现动态替换…
Unit Testing a zend-mvc application A solid unit test suite is essential for ongoing development in large projects, especially those with many people involved. Going back and manually testing every individual component of an application after every c…
Widget/ HTML DOM (CORE) (local dom) DOM, BOM, Event(Framework, UI, Widget) function(closure) DATA (core) this, prototype|singleton Request/Response (remote server) Ajax(XMLHttpRequest)/WebSocket Server JavaScript application: Basic: DOM, BOM, Event,…
If you haven’t already gotten involved with it, you’ll probably know that TypeScript is becoming increasingly popular. Being able to use a superset of javascript in a typed language that compiles down to JavaScript is a great thing. However,if you’ve…