"***@*** is not on any development teams " Xcode现在在"Accounts"中时不时会出现这个提示. 但其他按钮都是灰色的, 也没有"确定" "刷新"按钮, 实在无奈. 解决方法: 1:进入 "Organizer"页面, 选 "Archives", 2:随便找一个你的archives包, 3:选择右边的Validate, 这时会验证你的开发者…
is not on any development teams 1)账号正在申请中 2)申请成功后的账号? 加了3个账号,都是这样子的. 1:Xcode>Window> "Organizer"页面, 选 "Archives", 2:随便找一个你的archives包, 3:选择右边的Validate, 这时会验证你的开发者账号, 你只要在Accounts中把正确的密码写好了, 就会验证成功. my fix:launchpad>xcode and x…
A modular application is an application that is divided into a set of loosely coupled functional units (named modules) that can be integrated into a larger application. A client module encapsulates a portion of the application's overall functionality…