LDO current regulator for power LED Challenge You've got a power LED? Great! Build a flash light! What does the spec say? "Voltage: 3.6 .. 3.8 V, power 3 W." Okay. This means that it draws some 800 mA. Three mignon cells give 4.5 V for at least…
C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
使用Visual Studio Team Services敏捷规划和项目组合管理(四)--冲刺计划和任务板 团队在sprint计划会议期间创建冲刺积压工作项,通常在冲刺的第一天召开该会议.每个冲刺都对应一个时间盒,它具备支持团队使用敏捷过程和工具的能力.在规划会议期间,产品负责人与团队合作,确定在冲刺中完成的哪些故事或待办事项. 规划会议通常由两部分组成.第一部分,根据之前的冲刺经验,团队和产品负责人确定团队认为可以在中词中完成的待办事项列表.这些条目会添加到冲刺待办李彪中.第二部分,团队决定如…
好的代码的标准:解释过去,指引未来: Design philosophies | Django documentation | Django https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/misc/design-philosophies/#dry Design philosophies¶ This document explains some of the fundamental philosophies Django’s developers have used…
Candles have been used to remove light for centuries, but it took hundreds of years to make better candles. Some of the problems with the real candles that have been tried are that the wax is dripping on them, it is easy to be blown off, it won't las…
在狂批了某供应商的多媒体控制App有多烂后,夸下海口自己要做一个也是分分钟的事.当然要做好不容易,要超过他们的烂软件还是有信心的.过程中遇到各种坑,其中之一如下 刚开始只使用一个平板进行调试,老是弹出选择设备的窗口,于是勾选"Use same device for future launches",于是Eclipse默认使用上次选择的设备进行调试. 但是,随后需要在另一个设备(手机)进行调试时,Eclipse再也不让我选择了,即使你在Debug Configurations >…
Deadline:2016-11-24 22:00pm Alpha冲刺,很多同学经历了"Learning by doing"的学一门新的编程语言.学Git.学做一个完整的项目.但是,各组对于软件工程的"Learning by doing"的意涵了解的还不深刻,遇到的问题也不少.停一停,开个总结会,来次事后诸葛亮,为了下一步走的更好.请各小组在Deadline之前,以小组为单位发布一篇针对问题的总结.总结的提纲内容,请参照邹欣老师的博客: 项目管理之事后诸葛亮会议:…