MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Lesson one ) 这篇文是记载 MIT 计算机科学及编程导论 第一集 的笔记 Lesson one : Goals of the course;what is computation;introduction to data types,operators,and variables 一 讲解课程的任务.课程目标 目标 像一个计算机科学家一样思考 都能够读写程序 tacking t…
学习总结--(Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python--MIT) 导论 主题 重新利用数据结构来表达知识 理解算法的复杂性 程序与数据类型的抽象 不同类型的算法,搜索,排序 计算机可以做什么? 基础的工作: 执行计算(每秒十亿次计算) 记住结果 什么类型的计算? 根据程序语言来建立 你可以自己来定义作为一个程序员 计算机只知道你告诉它的…
ESTIMATED TIME TO COMPLETE: 18 minutes We can use the idea of bisection search to determine if a character is in a string, so long as the string is sorted in alphabetical order. First, test the middle character of a string against the character you'r…
Assume s is a string of lower case characters. Write a program that prints the longest substring of s in which the letters occur in alphabetical order. For example, if s = 'azcbobobegghakl', then your program should print Longest substring in alphabe…
Book Imformation : <Pratical Programming : An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3> 2nd Edtion Author : Paul Gries,Jennifer Campbell,Jason Montojo Page : Chapter 2.3 to Chapter 2.5 1.A type consists of two things: (1).a set of values (2).…
Book Imformation : <Pratical Programming : An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3> 2nd Edtion Author : Paul Gries,Jennifer Campbell,Jason Montojo Page : Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.1-2.2 1.every computer runs operating system,which it's the…
1.课程PPTMIT OpenCourseWare; Courses  Stanford; EECS at UC Berkeley; CMU Course List; Computer Sci…
Given the expansive growth in the field, it's become challenging to discern what belongs in a modern computer science degree. My own faculty is engaging in this debate, so I've coalesced my thoughts as an answer to the question, "What should every co…
This is the last in a series of Postgres posts that Pat Shaughnessy wrote based on his presentation at the Barcelona Ruby Conference. You can also watch the video recording of the presentation. The series was originally published on his personal blog…
This started out as a list of top Computer Science blogs, but it more closely resembles a set: the order is irrelevant and there are no duplicate elements; membership of this set of blogs satisfies all of the following conditions: they are written by…