For Developers‎ > ‎Design Documents‎ > ‎ Embedding Flash Fullscreen in the Browser Window Author: Yuri Wiitala ( Objective Enhance the [Pepper] Flash fullscreen user experience in Chromium to match the HTML5 fullscreen experience.  …
Browser Window The Chromium browser window is represented by several objects, some of which are included in this diagram:   Frame The frame is the portion of the browser window that includes the title bar, sizing borders, and other areas traditionall…
修改登录页 STEP 2 : DEFAULT BRANDING CHANGE   1. Login with system administrator responsibility 2. Navigate: Application —> Function 3. Query the function FWK_HOMEPAGE_B…
Window 对象 Window对象表示浏览器中打开的窗口. 如果文档包含框架(iframe或iframe标签),浏览器会被html文档创建一个window对象,并为每个框架创建一个额外的window对象. 注释:没有应用于window对象的公开标准,不过所有浏览器度支持该对象 window对象集合 iframes[] 返回窗口中所有命名的框架.该集合是window对象的数组,每个window对象在窗口中含有一个框架或<iframe>.属性frames.length存放数组iframes[]中…
先上图吧 来上代码 console.log(window.outerWidth + '--' + window.outerHeight);//只读的整数,声明了整个窗口的XY //IE 不支持此属性,且没有提供替代的属性. var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; console.log("window.inner--" + width+ '--' + height); console.log('--…
Viewport-Percentage (or Viewport-Relative) Lengths Viewport-Percentage Lengths: The viewport-percentage lengths are relative to the size of the initial containing block. When the height or width of the initial containing block is changed, they are sc…
 var flashVersion = (function() {             var version;             try {                 version = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'];                 version = version.description;             } catch (ex) {                 try {              …
一.Adobe 提供的方法 <object width="200" height="200" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0">  <param name="…
A computing system is operable to contain a security module within an operating system. This security module may then act to monitor access requests by a web browser and apply mandatory access control security policies to such requests. It will be ap…
I have Flash Player installed, but I am unable to view Flash content in Chromium. How do I enable Flash Player to view this content? If you have installed Flash Player for Chromium, but cannot see Flash-based content, you may have disabled Flash Play…