问: I am trying to port an asp.net application to asp.net core. I have property injection (using ninject) on my UnitOfWork implementation like this. [Inject] public IOrderRepository OrderRepository { get; set; } [Inject] public ICustomerRepository Cus…
Transient – A new instance of the service is created each time it is requested. It can be used for stateless and light weight services. 可以理解为每次都要创建,主要针对状态无关.轻量级的服务. Scoped – A single instance is created once per request. 每次HttpRequest就创建一次,HttpReques…
.NET-Core Series Server in ASP.NET-Core DI in ASP.NET-Core Routing in ASP.NET-Core Error Handling in ASP.NET-Core WebSocket in ASP.NET-Core(一) WebSocket in ASP.NET-Core(二) To be Continue... 看到一篇介绍ASP.NET Core DI的文章,讲的挺好,分享分享. 转载至 https://joonasw.net/…
本文翻译自<Controller activation and dependency injection in ASP.NET Core MVC>,由于水平有限,故无法保证翻译完全准确,欢迎指出错误.谢谢! 在我最后一篇关于 ASP.NET Core 释放IDsiposable对象的文章(中文.英文原文)中,Mark Rendle 指出,MVC 控制器在请求结束时也会释放资源.乍一看,此范围内的资源在请求结束时会释放似乎是显而易见的,但是 MVC 控制器的处理方式实际上与大多数服务略有不同.…
转自: https://www.infoq.com/articles/advanced-architecture-aspnet-core ASP.NET Core's new architecture offers several benefits as compared to the legacy ASP.NET technology ASP.NET Core benefits from incorporating support for dependency injection from t…
The new version of ASP.NET is called ASP.NET Core (a.k.a ASP.NET 5) and it has the most significant architectural redesign of ASP.NET. This article will highlight the new features and concepts in the new ASP.NET. What is ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Core 1.…