upc组队赛5 Assembly Required【思维】】的更多相关文章

Assembly Required 题目描述 Princess Lucy broke her old reading lamp, and needs a new one. The castle orders a shipment of parts from the Slick Lamp Parts Company, which produces interchangable lamp pieces. There are m types of lamp pieces, and the shipme…
问题 A: Assembly Required 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB 提交: 49  解决: 25 [提交] [状态] [命题人:admin] 题目描述 Princess Lucy broke her old reading lamp, and needs a new one. The castle orders a shipment of parts from the Slick Lamp Parts Company, which produces interch…
Problem A: Assembly Required Princess Lucy broke her old reading lamp, and needs a new one. The castle orders a shipment of parts from the Slick Lamp Parts Company, which produces interchangable lamp pieces.There are m types of lamp pieces, and the s…
Hakase and Nano 题目描述 Hakase and Nano are playing an ancient pebble game (pebble is a kind of rock). There are n packs of pebbles, and the i-th pack contains ai pebbles. They take turns to pick up pebbles. In each turn, they can choose a pack arbitrar…
Canonical Coin Systems 题目描述 A coin system S is a finite (nonempty) set of distinct positive integers corresponding to coin values, also called denominations, in a real or imagined monetary system. For example, the coin system in common use in Canada…
Chaarshanbegaan at Cafebazaar 题目链接 http://icpc.upc.edu.cn/problem.php?cid=1618&pid=1 题目描述 Chaarshanbegaan is a gathering event at Cafebazaar similar to TGIF events at Google. Some entertainment programs like pantomime, foosball, Xbox/PS4, and several…
Iranian ChamPions Cup 题目描述 The Iranian ChamPions Cup (ICPC), the most prestigious football league in Iran, is reaching its end, and people are eagerly waiting for the finals, which happened to be between the two most popular Iranian teams, Persepolis…
过分的谜题 题目描述 2060年是云南中医学院的百年校庆,于是学生会的同学们搞了一个连续猜谜活动:共有10个谜题,现在告诉所有人第一个谜题,每个谜题的答案就是下一个谜题的线索....成功破解最后一个谜题后,答案就是指向奖励的线索 在所有同学们的努力下,全校同学们获得了最后一个谜题,这个谜题有几十张纸,上面全是密密麻麻的数字以及'.' 第一页内容如下: 1,2,3,4,5,6 4,1,5,2,6,3 2,4,6,1,3,5 1,2,3,4,5,6 ---3 1,2,3,4....32 ......…
不存在的泳池 题目描述 小w是云南中医学院的同学,有一天他看到了学校的百度百科介绍: 截止到2014年5月,云南中医学院图书馆纸本藏书74.8457万册,纸质期刊388种,馆藏线装古籍图书1.8万册,电子资源总量35TB,拥有中.外文数据库25个,电子图书29.5万册(镜像).包库130万册.古籍线装图书1.8万余册,有39种列为本馆珍善本,如<彻滕八编>.<赵氏医贯>等明清版本.台湾文渊阁版本<四库全书>,按<全国古籍善本书总目>分类表(即:经·史·子·集…
黑暗意志 题目描述 在数千年前潘达利亚从卡利姆多分离之时,迷雾笼罩着这块新形成的大陆,使它不被外来者发现.迷雾同样遮蔽着这片大陆古老邪恶的要塞--雷神的雷电王座.在雷神统治时期,他的要塞就是雷电之王力量的保障.即使在他死后,强大而堕落的能量仍然在此萦绕不绝:而复活的雷电之王和赞达拉巨魔企图再次驾驭那股能量,重建昔日帝国.这就是魔兽世界5.2版本的大型团队副本"雷电王座" 雷电王座中有一个神奇的BOSS是所有玩家都会记得的,直到现在当你的人物血量比BOSS血量都高的时候,在战斗的时候都要…