OVS ARP Responder – Theory and Practice】的更多相关文章

Prefix In the GRE tunnels post I’ve explained how overlay networks are used for connectivity and tenant isolation. In the l2pop post, or layer 2 population, I explained how OVS forwarding tables are pre-populated when instances are brought up. Today…
ARP – Why do we need it? In any environment, be it the physical data-center, your home, or a virtualization cloud, machines need to know the MAC, or physical network address, of the next hop. For example, let there be two machines connected directly…
This content is part of the series: Java theory and practice A brief history of garbage collection Anatomy of a flawed microbenchmark Are all stateful Web applications broken? Be a good (event) listener Building a better HashMap Characterizing thread…
Why thread pools? Many server applications, such as Web servers, database servers, file servers, or mail servers, are oriented around processing a large number of short tasks that arrive from some remote source. A request arrives at the server in som…
renewable engergy: Wind solar Tidal Wave Ocean Bio Etc. How much energy we gonna need as following years: The unit is of Tera Watts. And how much we can get from the surroundings: theoretically Much of the wind energy are coming from the center of oc…
实践出真知,建议不要一味地看Backbone源码和网上解析,自己动手实践吧少年们! 我是一个简单的简直无可救药的小栗子~ ——Silun Wang 我的几个小问题: 1. Rocket介绍没有Todo那么全面清晰,所以理解起来还有一些疑问 2. 对于Backbone.js,Router和history的应用不熟悉,理解起来有困难. 3. MVC是否适合本次短期内的Popush修缮?对于Popush这种SPA,什么样的架构方式更为合理?什么样的修改方式更为合理?哪种MVC框架更适合Popush?…
总结: 1.br-int 流表总体是按照Normal 的方式,即常规的交换机的转发方式进行转发.而br-tun 交换机则主要按照流表的方式进行转发. 2.一般情况下,VM发出的ARP请求,会在该VM的所有邻居进行广播发送和查找,大量浪费带宽.当neutron开启了l2 pop后(二次注入功能), 计算节点会学习别的主机发送的免费ARP, 从而在本地存在ARP表项. 3.当本地的VM发出ARP请求时,br-tun交换机会优先查找本地的ARP表项,从而对报文进行ARP应答. 这样的话,就不用发出AR…
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