IOS Application Security Testing Cheat Sheet    [hide]  1 DRAFT CHEAT SHEET - WORK IN PROGRESS 2 Introduction 3 Information gathering 4 Application traffic analysis 5 Runtime analysis 6 Insecure data storage 7 Tools 8 Related Articles 9 Authors and P…
文章分A,B,C,D 4个部分. A) iOS Application Security 下面介绍iOS应用安全,如何分析和动态修改app. 1)iOS Application security Part 1 – Setting up a mobile pentesting platform Part1介绍如何在越狱的设备上搭建用来测试iOS安全的环境. 2)iOS Application security Part 2 – Getting class information of IOS ap…
本文是 XSS防御检查单的翻译版本 介绍 本文描述了一种恰当地使用输出转码或者转义(encoding or escaping)防御XSS攻击的简单积极模式. 尽管存在巨量XSS攻击方式,遵守一些简单的规则能够彻底防住这类严重的攻击. 本文不探讨XSS攻击的商业和技术影响. reflected and stored XSS 可以… With the release of iOS 7, app designers and developers will need to adjust their visual language to match the new "flat" design of iOS. In addition to the grid system, the dimensions of…
Racket Cheat Sheet 来源 Essentials Sites main download docs git Community packages users@ dev@ irc slack twitter Running Put #lang racket "Hello, world!" in hello.rkt an…
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原文: A quick cheat sheet and reference guide for Apple's Swift language. This guide intends to cover all the key features of Swift, including Strings, Arrays, Dictionaries and Flow Control. Swift is a new programm…
Security Testing BasicsSoftware security testing is the process of assessing and testing a system to discover security risksand vulnerabilities of the system and its data. There is no universal terminology but for our purposes,we define assessments a…
For Developers‎ > ‎Design Documents‎ > ‎Mojo‎ > ‎ Chrome IPC To Mojo IPC Cheat Sheet 目录 1 Overview 2 Threading Model 2.1 IPC 2.2 Mojo 3 Declaring Messages 3.1 IPC 3.2 Mojo 4 Receiving / Sending Messages 4.1 IPC 4.2 Mojo 5 Pickling Values 5.1 Enum…
XSS Cheat Sheet BASICS HTML注入 当输入位于HTML标记的属性值内或标记的外部(下一种情况中描述的标记除外)时使用.如果输入在HTML注释中,则在payload前加上"-->" <svg onload=alert(1)> "><svg onload=alert(1)> HTML注入-标签块突破 ​ 当输入落在以下标签的内部或打开/关闭之间时使用: <title><style><scri…