nova help network-create】的更多相关文章

在某些情况下,使用 docker network create br-name 命令创建网络的时候,会创建一个新的网桥,该网桥的默认IP地址为172.18.0.0\16(或相临的IP地址段) 这个ip地址在某些情况下会存在冲突的情况.那么应该如何解决哪? 我们在创建网络的时候其实是可以指定IP地址段的,命令如下: docker network create --subnet= mynetwork 同理,在创建docker容器的时候,我们也可以指定IP地址,命令如下: docker run -d…
2019-05-13 14:43:27.017 47547 ERROR nova.compute.manager [req-3f1af0ed-c342-4cf3-8e76-6963053a5227 8b1ee1cd28ff40ef9bc830e71edced61 74288c12eb5f47aeab9c5df2c1faf57e - - -] [instance: 3f195d8c-c913-4e37-9935-ff4f3626ba73] Instance failed to spawn2019-…
安装openstack Rocky版本的时候,在未安装网络服务前,创建虚拟机,报以下错误 [root@controller2 nova]# openstack server create --flavor nano.V1.128M.1G --image cirros.qcow2 vm0204 发生意外 API 错误.请在 处报告此错误,并且附上 Nova API 日志(如果可能). <class 'keystoneauth1.exc…
VirtualBox version: Host OS: Linux Mint 14 Xfce Setup Network Add a virtual network in host: VirtualBox -> File -> Preferences -> Network Create a VM with the first NIC as Host-only(NIC1) and the second as NA…
学习 Neutron 系列文章: (1)Neutron 所实现的虚拟化网络 (2)Neutron OpenvSwitch + VLAN 虚拟网络 (3)Neutron OpenvSwitch + GRE/VxLAN 虚拟网络 (4)Neutron OVS OpenFlow 流表 和 L2 Population (5)Neutron DHCP Agent (6)Neutron L3 Agent (7)Neutron LBaas (8)Neutron Security Group (9)Neutro…
用户管理      创建管理员用户      用法:      nova-manage user admin name [access] [secret]      其中access 和secret可选,没有的话系统会自动生成一个.      创建普通用户      用法:nova-manage user create name [access] [secret]      access和secret可选      删除一个存在的用户      用法: nova-manage user dele…
学习 Neutron 系列文章: (1)Neutron 所实现的网络虚拟化 (2)Neutron OpenvSwitch + VLAN 虚拟网络 (3)Neutron OpenvSwitch + GRE/VxLAN 虚拟网络 (4)Neutron Linux Bridge + VLAN/VXLAN 虚拟网络 (5)Linux bridge + VXLAN 详解 (6)Neutron OVS OpenFlow 流表 和 L2 Population (7)Neutron DHCP Agent (8)…
From the previous posts, I have analysed 4 different Docker multi-host network solutions - Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network. You can see more details on how to install, config and tune features of them from previous posts: Calico: A…
docker run -d -P --name web training/webapp python # -name means give the to-be-run container a name 'web'. -P means connect web to default network space bridge docker network ls docker run -itd --name=networktest ubuntu #container named netwo…
Network containers Estimated reading time: 5 minutes If you are working your way through the user guide, you just built and ran a simple application. You've also built in your own images. This section teaches you how to network your containers. Launc…