您的浏览器(Chrome 33) 需要更新.该浏览器有诸多安全漏洞,无法显示本网站的所有功能. 了解如何更新浏览器 × p-nand-q.com C++ Python Programming Languages Humor Tools Misc Building Python 2.7.10 with Visual Studio 2010 or 2015 7th revision, August 7, 2015.A document history can be found at t…
上周时Visual Studio 2010突然出现崩溃现象.在源文件修改只要一编译,马上就崩溃,而且还不弹出任何异常窗口,严重影响软件开发工作. google了无数解决方案 试了下面这些方法: 1)http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_68cb7e090101963d.html For 32-bit operating systems, run the following command: regsvr32 "c:\Program Files\Internet Explo…
This post is a step-by-step guide on how to compile Qt 4.x.x with MSVC 2010. Although we use Qt 4.7.1 as an example (for historical reasons), you can also find suggestions on building newer versions of Qt by MSVC 2012 and even by Intel Compiler for b…
[入门级] visual studio 2010 mvc4开发,用ibatis作为数据库访问媒介(一) Date 周二 06 一月 2015 By 钟谢伟 Tags mvc4 / asp.net 示例下载 实现编程环境 安装visual studio 2010,由于mvc4并不是visual studio 2010默认的mvc版本,因此首先需要安装visual studio 2010 service package 1,然后安装mvc4即可,在安装visual studio 2010 serv…