Create a simple js-ctypes example】的更多相关文章

今日尝试用python建立一个restful服务. 原文地址: Create a simple REST web service with Python This is a q…
simple js 题目描述:小宁发现了一个网页,但却一直输不对密码.(Flag格式为 Cyberpeace{xxxxxxxxx} ) 打开题目后,有一个Enter password框,要求输入密码,随便输入"123" 输入"123"结果为 开发者工具F12查看页面源代码 将JS代码复制出来进行分析 function dechiffre(pass_enc){ var pass = "70,65,85,88,32,80,65,83,83,87,79,82,6…
Command-line tools can help you with all sorts of tasks. This lesson covers the very basics of setting up a CLI tool in Node.js by creating your project with npm, setting up your bin script, and using CAC to parse a single argument. Create a new proj…
js-ctypes 为Firefox extension访问由C/C++编写的native code提供了一种通用的方法. 从Firefox 4 开始支持js-ctypes,不同版本的之间有极好的兼容性.即使Firefox不断升级,也不需要修改native code,因此js-ctypes大受FF extension 开发者的青睐. 本文将会用一个简单的例子说明在Windows平台如何load dll 文件以及调用简单API. Native Code: 这部分定义了一个求和的API, 将传入的两…
This lesson shows you how to create a component and pass its properties as it updates into a Pipe to make a simple searchable list. import {Pipe} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Pipe({ name: 'simpleSearch' }) export class SimpleSearch{ transform(value, [f…
I needed a lightweight HTML editor to generate "rich text" emails, so I decided to explore the features and capabilities of the MFC CHtmlEditCtrl control.  I had looked into using the DHTML Edit Control (an Active X control) in the past, but thi…
前言:之前笔者的试用博文提到安富利这块板子非常适合MicroBlaze开发,同时网上关于MicroBlaze的资料非常少(或含糊不清),没有一篇能完整介绍VIVADO SDK的设计流程,所以笔者带来这篇博文以供参考. 实验平台:Avnet-Artix-7 50T 开发套件/其它硬件也可以EDK:Vivado 2015.2SDK:Xilinx SDK 2015.2 实验内容:创建一个简单的MicroBlaze,实现板上LED流水灯和串口功能. 实验步骤:(一)        EDK部分1.    …
In this post, we are going to create our own structure directive *ngFor. What it should looks like in HTML? <div> <ul> <li *myFor="let item of items; let i = index;"> {{ i }} Member: {{ | json }} </li> <templ…
We will use 'HostListener' and 'HostBinding' to accomplish the task. The HTML: <label> Credit Card Number <input name="credit-card" type="text" credit-card placeholder="Enter your 16-digit card number"> </label…
simple_js [原理] javascript的代码审计 [目地] 掌握简单的javascript函数 [环境] windows [工具] firefox [步骤] 1.打开页面,查看源代码,可以发现js代码,如图所示. 2.进行代码审计,发现不论输入什么都会跳到假密码,真密码位于 fromCharCode . 3.先将字符串用python处理一下,得到数组[55,56,54,79,115,69,114,116,107,49,50],exp如下. s="\x35\x35\x2c\x35\x3…
思路分析: 进入靶场, 随便输入,肯定是错误的,f12看下源码,结合题目说js,把js代码单独拿出来看看. function dechiffre(pass_enc){ var pass = "70,65,85,88,32,80,65,83,83,87,79,82,68,32,72,65,72,65"; var tab = pass_enc.split(','); var tab2 = pass.split(',');var i,j,k,l=0,m,n,o,p = ""…
You can find/fork the sample project on GitHub Hey! This and all my other tutorials will soon be moving to a new home at CloseBrace, a site for JavaScript developers. You should totally click that link right now, and sign up to be alerted when the si…
1,各浏览器对WebGL的支持 手机浏览器对WebGL的支持: 书的源码: 第一次用浏览器打开代码可能无法正常显示,好像要对浏览器做一些设置额. 创建第一个3D场景包括这几样东西: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Example 01.06 - Screen size change</title> <scri…
how to create a style element in js (many ways) create style in js Constructed StyleSheets CSSStyleSheet adoptedStyleSheets Shadow Roots (Shadow DOM) Documents demo // Create our shared stylesheet: const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet(); sheet.replaceSync…
node.js & create file node js create file if not exists[, flags[, mode]], callback) File System Flags refs https://sta…
1.Pan事件:在指定的dom区域内,一个手指放下并移动事件,即触屏中的拖动事件.这个事件在触屏开发中比较常用: Panstart 拖动开始 Panmove 拖动过程 Panend 拖动结束 Pancancel 拖动取消 Panleft 向左拖动 Panright 向右拖动 Panup 向上拖动 Pandown 向下拖动 2.Pinch事件: 在指定的dom区域内,两个手指(默认为两个手指,多指触控需要单独设置)或多个手指相对(越来越近)移动或相向(越来越远)移动时的事件: Pinstart 多…
原文: /*! Hammer.JS - v2.0.4 - 2014-09-28 * * * Copyright (c) 2014 Jorik Tangelder; * Licensed under the MIT license */ (function(window, document, exp…
Node.js is a platform for building fast and scalable server applications using JavaScript. Node.js is the runtime and NPM is the Package Manager for Node.js modules. VS Code has support for the JavaScript and TypeScript languages out-of-the-box as we…
核心就是一段css遮住了原生的input框,然后用js将文件的值传入到另一个指定的input框中 原文链接 How to Style a HTML file upload button in Pure CSS 12 June 2013 on css Styling a html file upload…
Armed with the map and concatAll functions, we can create fairly complex interactions in a simple way. We will use Observable to create a simple drag and drop example with basic DOM elements. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"…
非常好的文章,讲javascript 的异步编程的. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 原文: When it comes to dealing with asynchronous development in JavaScript…
本文转自: Node.js tutorial in Visual Studio Code Node.js is a platform for building fast and scalable server applications using JavaScript. Node.js is the runtime and NPM is the Package Manager for… I’ve danced the JavaScript framework shuffle for years starting with jQuery, then on to Angular. After being frustrated with Angular’s complexity, I fou…
转自: 类似的oclif Once upon a time, the command line seemed scary and intimidating to me. I felt as if it stared back at me blankly like the price tag on somet…
原文: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Browsers, as well as Node.js, have limitations on concurrent HTTP connections.…
from: Create a Visual C++ Wizard for Visual Studio 2005 Posted by Marius Bancila on October 30th, 2006 If y…
In this lesson, we'll use next to create a universal React application with no configuration. We'll create page components that will render on the server if accessed directly, but function as you would expect in the client. We'll use the routing capa…
CLI, as an abbreviation of Command-line Interface, can receive user's input and give an immediate response in terminal. In Node.js, globally installed packages have this kind of command line interface, taking 'http-server' as a brief example here: Wh…
How to Set Up an Express API Server in Node.js In the previous tutorial, we learned what the REST architecture is, the six guiding constraints of REST, how to understand HTTP request methods and their response codes, and the anatomy of a RESTful API…