prior knowledge】的更多相关文章'_theorem For example, if cancer is related to age, then, using Bayes' theorem, a person's age (prior knowledge) can be used to more accurately assess the probability that they have cancer, compared to the assessmen…
Typical Approach to Dereverberation DOAs Estimating the directions of arrival of a direct source signal, and enhancing the signal components coming from the source direction by controlling the directivity of the microphone array. For satisfactory der…
今天开始会和大熊君{{bb}}一起着手翻译node的系列外文书籍,大熊负责翻译<Node.js IN ACTION>一书,而我暂时负责翻译这本<Hands-on Node.js>(下载),为方便理解不采用直译的方式,若有翻译不当的地方还请不吝赐教,我会及时堪正. 引言 在09年欧洲JSConf大会上,一位叫做Ryan Dahl的年轻程序员介绍了一项他所负责的项目.该项目结合了谷歌V8 Javascript引擎以及event loop机制,从而可以使用JS来创建服务端平台.该项目跟其…
超文本传输协议版本 2 IETF HTTP2草案(draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-13) 摘要 本规范描述了一种优化的超文本传输协议(HTTP).HTTP/2通过引进报头字段压缩以及多路复用来更有效利用网络资源.减少感知延迟.另外还介绍了服务器推送规范. 本文档保持对HTTP/1.1的后向兼容,HTTP的现有的语义保持不变. 1 介绍 The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a wildly successful protocol.…
网易公开课,第6,7,8课 notes, SVM-支持向量机算法概述, 这篇讲的挺好,可以参考   先继续前面对线性分类器的讨论, 通过机器学习算法找到的线性分类的线,不是唯一的,对于一个训练集一般都会有很多线可以把两类分开,这里的问题是我们需要找到best的那条线 首先需要定义Margin, 直观上来讲,best的那条线,应该是在可以正确分类的前提下,离所有的样本点越远越好,why? 因为越靠近分类…
With static SQL, host variables used in embedded SQL statements are known at application compile time. With dynamic SQL, the embedded SQL statements and consequently the host variables are not known until application run time. Therefore, for dynamic…
原文地址: The usual test for chaos is calculation of the largest Lyapunov exponent. A positive largest Lyapunov exponent indicates chaos. When one has access to the equations generating the chaos, this is r…
Progressive Neural Network  Google DeepMind 摘要:学习去解决任务的复杂序列 --- 结合 transfer (迁移),并且避免 catastrophic forgetting (灾难性遗忘) --- 对于达到 human-level intelligence 仍然是一个关键性的难题.本文提出的 progressive networks approach 朝这个方向迈了一大步:他们对 forgetting 免疫,并且可以结合 prior knowledg…
A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks Introduction Convolutional neural networks. Sounds like a weird combination of biology and math with a little CS sprinkled in, but these networks have been some of the most influential…
The Joys of Conjugate Priors (Warning: this post is a bit technical.) Suppose you are a Bayesian reasoning agent.  While going about your daily activities, you observe an event of type .  Because you're a good Bayesian, you have some internal paramet…