windows(win10)批处理脚本 打开vm虚拟机的服务,并且开启无界面虚拟机 @echo off net start "vds" net start "VMAuthdService" net start "VMnetDHCP" net start "VMware NAT Service" net start "VMUSBArbService" net start "VMwareHostd&q…
实际情况 * 不想开机自启动oracle服务,因为Windows 没有固态硬盘本身启动就很慢了,然后也不想自己手动的方式去启东oracle 服务 解决方案 *1启动 ``` @echo off echo Oracle启动中... net start OracleServiceORCL net start OracleDBConsoleorcl net start OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener net start OracleOraDb10g_home1iSQL*…
@echo off net session >nul 2>&1 " ( echo Oops: This tools must run with administrator permissions! echo it will popup the UAC dialog, please click [Yes] to continue. echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%t…