我发现关于dingo/API V2.0的资料少之又少,应该也是发布时间不久的原因.下面,我就来给大家讲解(翻译)下官方的英文文档,如果有说的不对的地方,请指正.先附上,官网wiki地址https://github.com/dingo/api/wiki. The Dingo API package is meant to provide you, the developer, with a set of tools to help you easily and quickly build your…
我发现关于dingo/API V2.0的资料少之又少,应该也是发布时间不久的原因.下面,我就来给大家讲解(翻译)下官方的英文文档,如果有说的不对的地方,请指正.先附上,官网wiki地址https://github.com/dingo/api/wiki. The Dingo API package is meant to provide you, the developer, with a set of tools to help you easily and quickly build your…
因为某些某些原因,不能按时更新,唉.我会尽力,加快速度.(这句话不是翻译的哈) 原文地址--> https://github.com/dingo/api/wiki/Responses A functioning API is built upon receiving requests and returning a consumable response to the client. An API will generally return responses in an easy to con…
对于这篇文章的标题,其实,直译就是创建api端点.但是,真的很难懂,我还是写为API路由吧.每篇,文章,我都会全部去进行实践操作,力求写一个好点的教程. 本文英文地址——>https://github.com/dingo/api/wiki/Creating-API-Endpoints An endpoint is simply another term for a route. When talking about APIs many people refer to the routes you…