Manifest和TypeTag是要解决什么问题? As with other JVM languages, Scala’s types are erased at compile time. This means that if you were to inspect the runtime type of some instance, you might not have access to all type information that the Scala compiler has…
目录 前言 Shapeless简介 The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless简介 总结 一.前言 在我的2016,感恩.乐观.努力一文中,说2017年要进行技术储备,开始写第一本书或者翻译第一本书,当时未免是夸下海口,但是很快机会就来了,在学scala基础的过程中碰到了shapeless框架,恰好其有一本英文官方指导,链接地址为The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless,很薄的一本书,100多页,于是就想能不…
Flink 自己创建一套独立的类型系统, 参考, 为何要自己搞一套,而不像其他的平台一样让编程语言或serialization framework来天然做掉? Flink tries to know as much information about what types enter and leave u…