Lab 5 Network File Sharing Services Goal: Share file or printer resources with FTP, NFS and Samba Sequence 1: Implementing File Transport Protocol(FTP) Services Deliverable: A working FTP server accessible to hosts and users. An available, but "invis…
Welcome to Linux world! Introduction and Basic commands--Part one J.C 2018.3.11 Chapter 1 What Is Linux? Linux is a Unix-like open source operating system. At the core of the operating system is the Linux kernel. It acts as the intermediary between t…
[摘要]在windows下搭建nginx+php环境时,php-cgi.exe会经常性的自动关闭退出,本文介绍通过使用xxfpm进程管理器管理php-cgi.exe. php-cgi.exe在windows+nginx平台下经常自动退出,网上搜到的大部分解决方法都是类似上面的批处理(代码如下)文件临时解决一下,但如果用户在网站登录的话,用户就会突然挂掉. @echo off :main set jinchengshuliang=0 set jinchengshuliangxiaxian=2 fo…