Enable MFA for a user】的更多相关文章

If you are root/admin account, in order to configure a virtual MFA device, you must have physical access to the device.For example, if you are configuring MFA for a user who will use a smartphone to generate an OTP, you must have the smartphone avail…
什么是多重身份验证? 双重验证是需要多种验证方法的身份验证方法,可为用户登录和事务额外提供一层重要的安全保障. 它的工作原理是需要以下两种或多种验证方法: 用户知道的某样东西(通常为密码) 用户具有的某样东西(无法轻易复制的可信设备,如电话) 自身的特征(生物辨识系统) Azure 多重身份验证 (MFA) 是 Microsoft 的双重验证解决方案. Azure MFA 可帮助保护对数据和应用程序的访问,同时满足用户对简单登录过程的需求. 它通过一系列的验证方法(包括电话呼叫. 短信或移动应用…
/* Domain 1 Design Resilient Architectures 1. Which of the following statements regarding S3 storage classes is true? A. The availability of S3 and S3-IA is the same. B. The durability of S3 and S3-IA is the same. C. The latency of S3 and Glacier is…
最近客户有个需求,希望把面向public的Web应用中的终端用户数据库由Azure AD来实现,同时希望可以用MFA来实现用户身份认证.这个想法非常好,通过使用Azure的managed service AAD,耗时耗力的数据库运维工作由Azure来完成, 安全管控也同样由Azure完成,开发只要在代码中调用相应的AAD SDK并做相应配置就可以实现集成. 可是印象中Azure中国是只支持在portal登录时候的多重身份验证(MFA).那么问题来了,客户自己开发的应用能不能用到这个服务呢?比方说…
一,引言 MFA 又名 "多因素身份认证",指用户在登录的时候提示输入其他形式的标识.如果只使用密码对用户进行身份验证,是特别不安全的,尤其是在密码泄露的情况下.为了提高安全性,启用多因素身份验证就是一个很好的选择. 二,正文 1,Azure AD 管理用户的MFA启用 登录 Azure Portal,点击菜单项,现在 "Azure Active Directory" 选择 "Manage =>Users" 页面 点击 "Per-…
原文地址:https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/04/spring-enable-annotation-writing-a-custom-enable-annotation.html Spring provides a range of annotations with names starting with Enable*, these annotations in essence enable certain Spring managed features t…
原文地址:http://blog.fawnanddoug.com/2012/08/how-those-spring-enable-annotations-work.html Spring's Java Config is a great way to configure your application without writing a lot of configuration code.  One reason is those awesome @Enable* annotations th…
参考页面: http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/webapi/create-crud-api-1-put.html http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/webapi/create-crud-api-1-delete.html http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/webapi/Consume-web-api.html http://www.yuanjiaocheng.net/webapi/mvc-consume-webapi-get…
前面完成了一系列准备工作,本节开始将创建各种 Neutorn 网络,我们首先讨论 local network. local network 的特点是不会与宿主机的任何物理网卡相连,也不关联任何的 VLAN ID. 对于每个 local netwrok,ML2 linux-bridge 会创建一个 bridge,instance 的 tap 设备会连接到 bridge.位于同一个 local network 的 instance 会连接到相同的 bridge,这样 instance 之间就可以通信…
quote: For Windows 10: First of all, install the intelhaxm-android.exe located in the folder SDK\extras\Intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager if it gives error during installation then try these solution. First all enable the virtualization fr…
有一个表 tbl1 的结构如下: CREATE TABLE `tbl1` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` char(20) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 该表里已经存在了200万条记录. 现在, 需要把 tbl1 中的所有记录全部导到另一个完全相同的表…
状况: OGG replicat进程abend了,查看report显示如下问题: 2016-11-01 16:11:47  ERROR   OGG-01820  Could not enable workspace 解决方案: ALTER SYSTEM SET ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION = TRUE SCOPE=BOTH; exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege(OGGADMIN,'*',TRUE); 错误…
Browser security prevents a web page from making AJAX requests to another domain. This restriction is called the same-origin policy, and prevents a malicious site from reading sentitive data from another site. However, sometimes you might want to let…
Day 2: Enable the robot Git Setting git checkout master git branch day2_enable_robot git push --set-upstream origin day2_enable_robot…
As default, the feature AJAX of MOSS2007 is disabled, so the site web configuration file should be modified to enable AJAX to achieve the auto complete functionality. The following are steps how to enable it. Option 1: Modify it manually step1: Open…
1. Enable rsh on macos. 1). os version (10.0) Enabling the "Allow remote login" option turns on telnet, rlogin (remote login), and rsh (remote shell) services. You can then connect remotely to your computer by using a client application for any…
最近在CDH5.X 安装oozie 服务,服务安装完毕,访问oozie server ui,报如下错误: 页面提示: Oozie web console is disabled.To enable Oozie web console install the Ext JS library.Refer to Oozie Quick Start documentation for details. 缺少Ext JS library点击Quick Start documentation 网页中部找到Ex…
refer to http://www.shudnow.net/2012/09/18/manually-enable-appear-offline-in-lync-2013-preview-via-registry/ Lync 2013, just as with previous releases, allows the ability to Appear Offline. And just as with previous releases, you can enable this func…
With the default Apache HBase configuration, everyone is allowed to read from and write to all tables available in the system. For many enterprise setups, this kind of policy is unacceptable. Administrators can set up firewalls that decide which mach…
submit绑定目的 submit绑定即为提交绑定,通常用于form元素.这种绑定方式会打断默认的提交至服务器的操作.转而提交到你设定好的提交绑定回调函数中.如果要打破这个默认规则,只需要在回调函数中返回true即可. 例如: <form data-bind="submit: doSomething"> ... form contents go here ... <button type="submit">Submit</button&…
Link: http://sudeeptaganguly.wordpress.com/2010/04/20/how-to-enable-sa-account-in-sql-server/ 引用: When you install the SQL Server using Windows Authentication mode, by default, the “sa” account is disabled. Sometimes, due to users/customers request,…
adb shell svc wifi enable|disable Awesome ADB…
Windows8下使用Cisco Systems VPN Client创建的Cisco IPSec VPN无法连接,提示Reason 442: Failed to Enable Virtual Adapter,这个问题是Windows8特有的,不能用其他系统的解决方案解决此问题.下面给出解决方案. 以下内容翻译自Why Cisco VPN Client fails to enable virtual adapter in Windows 8? This doesn’t allow me to c…
经过漫长的安装过程 win10终于装上了vs2015 rc-   写个小程序试试 结果提示:   根据提示打开 设置--更新--for developer 据说应该有这么个界面:   但是这个界面根本出不来 直接闪退的说-   翻 MSDN 终于翻出了解决方法: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/xaml/dn706236.aspx 三种方法,任选其一 1,组策略: Open a cmd prompt with administrat…
今天在家用VPN软件连接,出现了“vpn 422 failed to enable virtual adapter”的错误,系统安装的是Win8专业版32位,百度了半天又很多方法解决不了,后来发现了一个地方能解决,就是更改注册表的东西. 具体看下面 进入注册表regeditHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA找到DisplayName,x86系统的将值"@oem16.inf,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco…
IIS提示:This application is currently offline. To enable the application, remove the app_offline.htm file from the application root directory. 解决办法:找到调试的站点根目录,删除其中的app_offline.htm文件…
转自:https://www.chromium.org/for-testers/enable-logging How to enable logging To enable logging, launch Chrome with these command line flags:   --enable-logging --v=1   This will turn on full logging support (INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and VERBOSE0 for >=M…
This howto guide shows you’ll how to enable EPEL repository under RHEL/CentOS 6/5 to install additional standard open source packages by using YUM command. What is EPEL EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is open source and free community base…
使用Enable Copy插件即可. 插件下载:Enable-Copy_v1.15.rar…
1.解决问题办法:菜单栏,Tools -> Adnroid -> enable ADB integration勾上 2.暂时性的解决方案:在Android Studio中的:Preferences(win中对应"Set")----->Build,Execution,Deployment----->Instant Run…