Hi,If you have any questions, you can send a message here or send them to us. We will answer you as soon as possible. email: ttesbg@yeah.net pohone:+86 13128626723…
2016年12月21日更新开发者中心链接https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=12212016b该链接是苹果昨天刚在官网给的正式回复 如下: App Transport Security (ATS), introduced in iOS 9 and OS X v10.11, improves user security and privacy by requiring apps to use secure network connections over HT…
Here's What's New: Invite up to 1,000 external testers using just their email address Easy to use TestFlight iOS app available on the App Store No need to keep track of UDIDs or provisioning profiles Beta testing directly inside of iTunes Connect wit…
referenced from: http://www.redbitdev.com/exiting-ios-app-with-xamarin-ios/ The team is in the middle of building an iOS app for iPad using Xamarin which will be enterprise deployed. A requirement came up to automatically shut down the after a certa…
http://mobiledan.net/2012/03/02/5-options-for-distributing-ios-apps-to-a-limited-audience-legally/ Imagine you’ve built an iOS app for a limited set of users. Since it requires authentication, the app is useless to the general public. Is the public A…
一.写作原因 以前都没有想着来写点东西,今天遇到件事情让我决定每次还是要做记录.因为以前自己可以轻松的完成pod spec的配置,但是今天在做的时候还是忘了遇到了很多坑.pod spec配置遇到的坑不在这里写,后面会单独写一点,但是内容不会太多.一是方便别人,二是方便自己. 第一次来发帖,写的不对的地方,请大神指出.我一定好好的努力修改并向大家学习,但是还是不太喜欢一惯的喷子.就像大家说的经典一样`close your mouth show me your code`,英文不好如果错了,大家见谅…
最新Xcode7.x环境下上架iOS App到AppStore 流程 part 1 前言部分 之前App要上架遇到些问题到网上搜上架教程发现都是一些老的版本的教程 ,目前iTunesConnect 都已经迭代好几个版本了和之前的 界面风格还是有很大的差别的,后面自己折腾了好久才终于把自己的App上架,所以一直想写个最新(Xcode7.x~OS X 10.11)的 App上架教程. 本文使用工具为xcode7.2 mac os系统为10.11 captain 1.官网地址 Apple D…