One example to understand SemFix: Program Repair via Semantic Analysis Basic Information Authors: Hoang Duong Thien Nguyen, Dawei Qi, Abhik Roychoudhury Pulication: ICSE'13 Description: Semantic Program Repair Example Buggy code: Test Suite: Overview…
Some resources: 2017 [ ] DeepFix: Fixing Common C Language Errors by Deep Learning Rahul Gupta, Soham Pal, Aditya Kanade, Shirish K. Shevade AAAI 2017: 1345-1351 [ ] Contract-based program re…
Basic Information Authors: Jooyong Yi, Shin Hwei Tan, Sergey Mechtaev, Marcel Böhme, Abhik Roychoudhury Publication: EMSE'17 Conclusion: In general, with the increase of traditional test suite metrics, the reliability of repairs tend to increase. In…
Basic Information Publication: ICSE'17 Authors: Shin Hwei Tan, Jooyong Yi, Yulis, Sergey Mechtaev, Abhik Roychoudhury Language: C Program Source: Codeforces Programming Contest (Reject/Accept) Description: a set of 3902 defects from 7436 programs aut…
By executing code one line or one function at a time, you can observe changes in the data and in the page to understand exactly what is happening. You can also modify data values used by the script, and you can even modify the script itself. Why is t…
Background C++ is one of the main development languages used by many of Google's open-source projects. As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more…
属于我的费用流版本终于诞生了!想来还有点小激动呢…看了下模板,之后完全按照自己的想象来写,这样在考场上也不怕啦~ 某人说其实费用流就是把Dinic里的BFS换成SPFA,似乎还是比较有道理的,就是addflow要做一些修改,我第一次的错误就是addflow里的循环写成了while pre[x]<>st do,正解是while x<>st do. 既然算法的问题解决了,接下来的问题就是构图的问题——如何根据题目构建对应的网络.这一题的网络非常特殊,甚至被有些OIer评论为“非主流”……
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years——用十年教会自己编程 作者:Peter Norvig 译者:刘海粟 本文原文为: 该翻译文档的PDF版可以在这里获得: 为何万事都如此仓促? 随便走进一家书店,你就能看到<7天学会Java>以及各种万变不离其宗的书籍,形如:在数天或是数小时内学会Visual Basic.Wind…
C++程序设计 第一章 计算机程序和C++语言简介 1.计算机是一台能够存储并处理数据的电子设备,包含硬件和软件两部分. 2.计算机硬件由: 1)中央处理单元(Central Processing Unit,CPU) 2)内存(主存) 3)外存储设备(磁盘.光盘.磁带) 4)输入输出设备(显示器.键盘.鼠标.打印机) 5)通信设备(调制解调器.网卡) 这些设备通过总线连接起来.数据传输通过总线进行.[总线又分为控制总线.数据总线.地址总线] 3.CPU 1)cpu通常由两部分组成:控制单元(co…
2015-05-26   628   Code-Tuning Techniques    ——Even though a particular technique generally represents poor coding practice, specific circumstances might make it the best one to use.    ——One key to writing effective loops is to minimize the work don…