已有的数据结构装不下数据,或者不能处理现有的数据,那就必须要思考其他的辅助手段,辅助结构: #include <cstdio> #include <map> #include <vector> using namespace std; vector<int> order; map<int, int> freq; int main() { int n; freq.clear(); while(scanf("%d", &n…
Now we'll have a look at the Config stream. It begins like follows, and goes on forever with various integer fields and other binary blobs. (StorageContainer) [15] { 0 0x2090: (StorageRaw) { Size: 4 String: .... Hex: 00 00 00 00 } 1 0x20e0: (StorageC…
Write a program that will remove all duplicates from a sequence of integers and print the list of uniqueintegers occuring in the input sequence, along with the number of occurences of each. Input The input file will contain a sequence of integers (po…
很久以前准备写的系列文章,后来因为懒一直耽搁着,今天突然决定继续下去,于是有了这篇文章,很基础,但很常用.题目描述依然拷贝.简单来说就是找出个个部门薪水排名第二的人,排名相同的要一起列出来. Introduction The challenge is to find the employees with the second highest salary in each department. However, it is a little more complicated because if…
The Employee table holds all employees. Every employee has an Id, a salary, and there is also a column for the department Id. +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | Id | Name | Salary | DepartmentId | +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | 1 | Jo…
SQL 架构 Create table If Not Exists Employee (Id ), Salary int, DepartmentId int) Create table If Not Exists Department (Id )) Truncate table Employee insert into Employee (Id, Name, Salary, DepartmentId) values (') insert into Employee (Id, Name, Sala…
The Employee table holds all employees. Every employee has an Id, and there is also a column for the department Id. +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | Id | Name | Salary | DepartmentId | +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | 1 | Joe | 85000…
The Employee table holds all employees. Every employee has an Id, a salary, and there is also a column for the department Id. +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | Id | Name | Salary | DepartmentId | +----+-------+--------+--------------+ | 1 | Jo…
一.需求分析 我们的开发团队,计划开发一款公司人事管理软件,用于帮助中小型企业进行更加高效的人事管理.现在需要对数据库部分进行设计和开发,根据对需求和立项的分析,我们确定该数据库中最核心的两个表为员工表(Employee)和部门表(Department).两个表的结构如下: Employee表: 字段名 数据类型 约束 说明 employeeId int 非空,主键,自增 员工编号 name varchar 非空 姓名 birth date 出生日期 joblevel varchar 长度10…
互联网技术学院周测机试题(二) 一.需求分析 为进一步完善连锁超市经营管理,提高管理效率,减少管理成本,决定开发一套商品管理系统,用于日常的管理.本系统分为商品管理.员工管理.店铺管理,库存管理等功能模块.本次开发,主要针对员工管理功能,具备查询员工信息.删除或修改员工信息等功能,具体数据库设计如下,请你根据需求完成数据库的设计与相应功能. 二.数据字典 表1:员工信息表(employee) 序号 字段名 说明 数据类型 约束 备注 1 Empid 员工编号 Int 主键,自动增长 2 Empn…