PURGE PurposeUse the PURGE statement to remove a table or index from your recycle bin and release all of the space associated with the object, or to remove the entire recycle bin, or to remove part of all of a dropped tablespace from the recycle bin.
有两张表A和B,要求往A里面插入一条记录的同时要向B里面也插入一条记录,向B里面插入一条记录的同时也向A插入一条记录.两张表的结构不同,需要将其中几个字段对应起来.可以用下面的触发器实现. 表A的触发器: begin set @disable=1; if @disable=1 and NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tableB where ID=new.ID) then insert into tableB (ID,对应字段1) values(new.ID,new.对应字段1
在日常工作中,在SqlServer2008R2中,需要向一张表上加上触发器,监控插入.更新.删除. --一个触发器内三种INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE状态 IF exists(select 1 from inserted) and not exists(select 1 from deleted) begin --INSERT end IF exists(select 1 from inserted) and exists(select 1 from deleted) begin --
================START============================== 来了一个mail说是job跑得很慢,调查下原因 先来看下sql: SELECT h.order_no AS SO_no, h.order_type, h1.order_no AS po_no, l1.order_line_key AS PO_LKEY, l1.shipn
4张表:filter nat mangle raw filter:协议过滤: nat:地址转换,端口映射等: mangle:协议修改 TTL等: raw:This table is used mainly for configuring exemptions from connection tracking in combination with the NOTRACK target. It registers at the netfilter hooks with hig
1.在面试的时候碰到一个 问题,就是让写一张表中有id和name 两个字段,查询出name重复的所有数据,现在列下: select * from xi a where (a.username) in (select username from xi group by username having count(*) > 1) 2.查询出所有数据进行分组之后,和重复数据的重复次数的查询数据,先列下: select count(username) as '重复次数',username from
一,创建一个公共的DBAdapter; 为了在整个程序运行期间调用该公共的数据库,我们定义了一个扩展自Application的CommDB类: 1,创建唯一的数据库: public class CommDB { public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "myDatabase"; //数据库名称 public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; //创建该数据库下学生表的语句 private stat
表名:student 表结构及数据: +----+--------+---------+------+------------+--------------+---------+ | id | name | english | math | birthday | native_place | chinese | +----+--------+---------+------+------------+--------------+---------+ | 1 | 潘怡茹 |
--创建新增本地数据库的存储过程create or replaceprocedure pro_electric_record as begin insert into electric_meter_record(id,basestation_id,name,meter_number,createtime,electric_meter_id) select sys_guid(),substr(s.sname,0,36),s.sname,s.svalue,sysdate,(select
概述 项目中经常会对两张数据库表的数据进行比较,选出相同的数据或者不同的数据.在SQL SERVER 2000中只能用Exists来判断,到了SQL SERVER 2005以后可以采用EXCEPT和INTERSECT运算符比较两张表的数据. EXCEPT运算符返回由EXCEPT运算符左侧的查询返回.而又不包含在右侧查询所返回的值中的所有非重复值. INTERSECT返回由INTERSECT运算符左侧和右侧的查询都返回的所有非重复值. 例如有表A和B,其建表和数据脚本如下: if object_i