1.在/etc/udev/rules.d/目录下添加一个诸如99.udisk2.rules 2.其中的内容诸如: # This file contains udev rules for udisks 2.x # # Do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on updates # KERNEL=="mmcblk0" , SUBSYSTEMS=="block", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="disk&qu
create or replace trigger tri_test before insert on test for each row declare begin if :new.uuid is null then :new.uuid:=sys_guid(); end if; end tri_test;
这里使用触发程序实现此功能. 触发程序语法如下: Create trigger <tri_name> {before|after} {insert|update|delete} On <tab_name> For each row <触发程序SQL语句> 核心代码: use t14test show tables drop table if exists uuidTest create table uuidTest( testId VARCHAR() not NULL
是因为新机型没在列表里的原因. 处理方法如下: As far as I know, MTP works fine in Trusty. You can try this: Uncomment #user_allow_other in /etc/fuse.conf. Run lsusb and see your device's vendor ID. It will be something like 1d6b:0002. (执行lsusb命令,查找机器id,我的机器id是2a45:0c02) A