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目录 简介 经典模型概述 Model 1: Attentive Reader and Impatient Reader Model 2: Attentive Sum Reader Model 3: Stanford Attentive Reader Model 4: AOA Reader Model 5: Match-LSTM and Answering Point Match-LSTM Pointer Net Match-LSTM and Answering Point Model 5: Bi
目录 简介 经典模型概述 Model 1: Attentive Reader and Impatient Reader Attentive Reader Impatient Reader Model 2: Attentive Sum Reader Model 3: Stanford Attentive Reader Model 4: AOA Reader Model 5: Match-LSTM and Answering Point Match-LSTM Pointer Net Match-LS
AQS源码阅读笔记 先看下这个类张非常重要的一个静态内部类Node.如下: static final class Node { //表示当前节点以共享模式等待锁 static final Node SHARED = new Node(); //表示当前模式以独占模式等待锁 static final Node EXCLUSIVE = null; //表示当前线程等待锁的动作被取消了(那么当前节点将会在下一次迭代节点的时候被踢出) static final int CANCELLED = 1; //