最近在做Yii2的项目时, 发现了一个yii2 自带的Ar模型会自动对搜索出来的字段去重. 默认去重字段: id, 其他字段暂没发现 1. 例如: public function fields { //aboutClass表的ID id => about_class_id } 如果搜索关系是一对多的关系,那么搜索出来的about_class_id 有重复,这时你给about_class_id 命名为id,因为yii2对id字段默认去重,就会出现数据条数变少的情况 解决方案: public fu
求得θ值后用模型来预测 / 计算模型的精度 ex2.m部分程序 %% ============== Part 4: Predict and Accuracies ==============% After learning the parameters, you'll like to use it to predict the outcomes% on unseen data. In this part, you will use the logistic regression model%
摘自:http://makble.com/what-is-term-vector-in-lucene given a document, find all its terms and the positions information of these terms. Index tell us which document matched , term vector tells us how and where its matched. A classic example is search r