Android固件img文件的解包打包 To Unpack-Modify-Pach the system.img, I have followed the following procedure: a) Unpacking Run file system.img and make sure that system.img is Android Sparse Image. Rename system.img to system.img.ext4. // Not required if you wi
HOWTO: Unpack, Edit, and Repack Boot Images Several people have already figured out the details on their own, but I have gotten requests to do a more comprehensive tutorial on how the boot and r
最近参考了各位大神的资源,初步学习了Unity的资源管理模式,包括在编辑器管理(使用AssetDatabase)和在运行时管理(使用Resources和AssetBundle).在此简单总结运行时用AssetBundle动态打包/解包资源的方法,方便自己回顾. 关于AssetBundle有很多的细节问题,在此先作个笔记,等更多的问题搞清楚了/有了新的理解,再接着补充/修改. 创建编辑器菜单项,用于打包AssetBundle using UnityEngine; using System.Coll
利用table的pack与unpack进行数据打包与解包.測试代码例如以下: print("Test table.pack()----------------"); function printTable ( t ) if type(t) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(t) do printTable(v); end else print(t); end end local packData =function( ... ) lo