1.在matlab命令行中输入以下代码: cwd=pwd; cd([matlabroot '\toolbox\matlab\winfun\private']); fileassoc('add',{'.m','.mat','.fig','.p','.mdl',['.' mexext]}); %重点 cd(cwd); disp('Changed Windows file associations. FIG, M, MAT, MDL, MEX, and P files are now associat
注意:在安装前请查看安装目录是否有足够空间!完全安装大概需要12G的空间!本人在安装后系统盘满了,导致无法启动图形界面.小伙伴们不要重蹈覆辙~ Environment Linux debian8 (x64), it is the same in other linux x64 systems Install Packages Matlab R2015b_glnxa64.iso and Crack files in BaiduPan: [https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gf9Ie
在距离双11还有2个月之前,matlab会提示:Your MATLAB license will expire in 50 days ---------------------------------------------------------- Your MATLAB license will expire in 05 days. Please contact your system administrator or MathWorks to renew this license. ---
[关于2017双11过后MATLAB许可过期问题的解决方案] 在距离双11还有2个月之前,matlab会提示:Your MATLAB license will expire in 50 days ---------------------------------------------------------- Your MATLAB license will expire in 05 days. Please contact your system administrator or MathW
转载请注明出处,谢谢 原创作者:Mingrui 原创链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/MingruiYu/p/12367846.html 本文要点: Ubuntu 18.04 安装 MATLAB R2019b(要求有正版许可) 解决 报错 License checkout failed. Your username does not match the username in the license file. 解决 MATLAB 一直停留在启动 LOGO 页面 添加 MAT