CK100 is a well-known and cost-effective key programmer for many cars. Some said it is a must for both beginning and veteran locksmiths. Its latest version is V45.06. The CK100 45.06 on Eobd2 comes with 1024 tokens and will spend some tokens when cre
Signature Creator for NXP Cortex-M Devices Algorithm for creating the checksum The reserved Cortex-M3 exception vector location 7 (offset 0x001C in the vector table) should contain the 2’s complement of the check-sum of table entries 0 through 6. Thi
LPC-Link: LPC-Link调试探针由恩智浦.Code Red和Embedded Artists三方共同开发, 该探针可与目标板断开,利用板载10针JTAG/SWD连接器直接用于客户自己的设计. LPC-Link采用LPC3154 作为基于ARM9的调试引擎,提供高速USB接口,支持快速编码下载和调试. LPC-LinkLPC-Link is an integrated JTAG/SWD debug interface based onLPC3154 (ARM9)LPC-Link can
USB with NXP Microcontrollers NXP Advantages NXP's microcontroller portfolio features the latest USB technologies, including full- and high-speed USB 2.0 device, host, and On-The-Go (OTG) functions. NXP supports all four transfer types: control, inte