一.单引号 1.引用一个字符串常量,也就是界定一个字符串的开始和结束 select * from t_sys_user where id='15'; --查询id为15的字符 select * from t_sys_score where id=15; --查询id为15的整形数字 注意,这个字符串常量是区分大小写的 2.转义符,对紧随其后出现的字符(单引号)进行转义 select ' '' ' result from dual; --第二个单引号被作为转义符,第三个单引号被转义.结果为 '
The Q-quote delimiter can be any single- or multibyte character except space, tab, and return. If the opening quote delimiter is a [, {, <, or ( character, then the closing quote delimiter must be the corresponding ], }, >, or )character. In all oth