选自AnalyticsVidhya 参与:晏奇.黄小天 近日,Analyticsvidhya 上发表了一篇题为<Introduction to Genetic Algorithm & their application in data science>的文章,作者 Shubham Jain 现身说法,用通俗易懂的语言对遗传算法作了一个全面而扼要的概述,并列举了其在多个领域的实际应用,其中重点介绍了遗传算法的数据科学应用.机器之心对该文进行了编译,原文链接请见文末. 简介 几天前,我着手
下面,我们以车间调度为例来谈谈遗传算法中的另一个重要操作变异.变异操作通常发生在交叉操作之后,它的操作对象是交叉得到的新染色体.在本文中我们通过随机交换染色体的两个位置上的值来得到变异后的染色体,变异操作的代码如下: def Mutation(p)://p是染色体 nt = len(p)//nt存放染色体的长度 i = randint(0, nt - 1)//i是0到nt-1之间的一个随机数 j = randint(0, nt - 1)//j是0到nt-1之间的一个随机数 m = [job fo
Explaining Titanic hypothesis with decision trees decision trees are very simple yet powerful supervised learning methods, which constructs a decision tree model, which will be used to make predictions. The main advantage of this model is that a huma
Text classifcation with Naïve Bayes In this section we will try to classify newsgroup messages using a dataset that can be retrieved from within scikit-learn. This dataset consists of around 19,000 newsgroup messages from 20 different topics ranging