Python strip lstrip rstrip使用方法(字符串处理空格) strip是trim掉字符串两边的空格.lstrip, trim掉左边的空格rstrip, trim掉右边的空格 strip ( s [ , chars ] ) Return a copy of the string with leading and trailing characters removed. If chars is omitted or None , whitespace characters a
最近在处理数据的时候,想把一个字符串开头的“)”符号去掉,所以使用targetStr.lstrip(")"),发现在 将处理完的数据插入到数据库时会出现编码报错,于是在网上搜到了这个帖子.出现上述编码错误问题的原因 是我对lstrip函数的理解错误,权威的解释如下: str.lstrip([chars]) Return a copy of the string with leading characters removed. The chars argument is a string
def process_line(line, hist): """Adds the words in the line to the histogram. Modifies hist. line: string hist: histogram (map from word to frequency) """ # replace hyphens with spaces before splitting line = l
字符串操作 a.字符串格式化输出 name = "liu" print "i am %s " % name #输出: i am liu PS: 字符串是 %s;整数 %d;浮点数%f b.查找字符串(find) str.find(str, start=0, end=len(mystr)) # 检测 str 是否包含在 mystr中,如果是返回开始的索引值,否则返回-1 >>> str = 'xinge 好帅' >>>