rick 的两个ppt整理 下载:2012 2013 ,使用半年erlang后,重新看这两个ppt才发现更多值的学习的地方,从ppt中整理如下: - Prefer os:timestamp to erlang:now 应该禁止使用erlang:now(),稍微用得多,整个node的%si 飙满,且整体性能数量级下降. - Implement cross-node gen_server calls without using monitors (reduces dist traffic and
WhatsApp 会在每天清晨 2 点钟自动创建本地备份文件并将备份文件存储在手机系统设置的文件夹中. Google 云端硬盘 您可以备份对话记录和媒体到 Google 云端硬盘以便日后更换手机时仍可保留资料.如要使用 Google 云端硬盘备份,您需要: 您的设备必须要与 Google 云端硬盘同步. 安装了 Google Play 服务.(服务仅提供给 Android 2.3.4 或更新的设备.) 在 Google 云端硬盘上有充够的空间来备份 WhatsApp 资料. 在手机上有充够的空间
By Iaroslav Kudritskiy (Source: https://rocketbots.io/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-whatsapp-business-app ) This is the one we’ve all been waiting for, WhatsApp for Business. Thousands of people & companies out there are already using their personal Wha
I use something similar but thought I'd mention this 'bug' that can happen:when you INSERT '%wa_message' into 'data', bear in mind your typed message will replace %wa_message.if that typed message contains an apostrophe, your message won't send.why?t
http://technologyworkroom.blogspot.sg/2013/05/tasker-how-to-read-out-whatsapp.html Tasker can read out incoming or stored WhatsApp Messages, I used Tasker to do the following things on WhatsApp: Display the incoming messages in iOS style, no need to
WhatsApp & Tasker for Android – Read & Write messages The requirement for the automation is that, if I send a WhatsApp ‘wru’ message to the phone, it should respond back giving the location and battery level of my phone. It could be useful, if you
Here is My code snippet: Uri mUri = Uri.parse("smsto:+9876543210"); Intent mIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, mUri); mIntent.setPackage("com.whatsapp"); mIntent.putExtra("sms_body", "The text goes here"); mI