


#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

struct Record{
    int rank;
    string sch;
    int ScoreB,ScoreA,ScoreT,tws;
    int cnt;
map<string,Record> mp;
vector<Record> vec;

bool cmp(Record a,Record b)
    if(a.tws!=b.tws) return a.tws>b.tws;
    else if(a.cnt!=b.cnt) return a.cnt<b.cnt;
    else return a.sch<b.sch;

int main()
    //ifstream cin("pat.txt");
    int n;
    string sch,id;
    int score;
        ]=='B') mp[sch].ScoreB+=score;
        ]=='A') mp[sch].ScoreA+=score;
        else mp[sch].ScoreT+=score;
    for(auto it:mp){
        Record rec=it.second;
        rec.tws=rec.ScoreB/1.5 + rec.ScoreA + rec.ScoreT*1.5;
        ) vec[i].rank=;
        ].tws) vec[i].rank=vec[i-].rank;
    for(auto it:vec)
        cout<<it.rank<<' '<<it.sch<<' '<<it.tws<<' '<<it.cnt<<'\n';

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