An earthquake takes place in Southeast Asia. The ACM (Asia Cooperated Medical team) have set up a wireless network with the lap computers, but an unexpected aftershock attacked, all computers in the network were all broken. The computers are repaired one by one, and the network gradually began to work again. Because of the hardware restricts, each computer can only directly communicate with the computers that are not farther than d meters from it. But every computer can be regarded as the intermediary of the communication between two other computers, that is to say computer A and computer B can communicate if computer A and computer B can communicate directly or there is a computer C that can communicate with both A and B.

In the process of repairing the network, workers can take two kinds of operations at every moment, repairing a computer, or testing if two computers can communicate. Your job is to answer all the testing operations.


The first line contains two integers N and d (1 <= N <= 1001, 0 <= d <= 20000). Here N is the number of computers, which are numbered from 1 to N, and D is the maximum distance two computers can communicate directly. In the next N lines, each contains two integers xi, yi (0 <= xi, yi <= 10000), which is the coordinate of N computers. From the (N+1)-th line to the end of input, there are operations, which are carried out one by one. Each line contains an operation in one of following two formats: 
1. "O p" (1 <= p <= N), which means repairing computer p. 
2. "S p q" (1 <= p, q <= N), which means testing whether computer p and q can communicate.

The input will not exceed 300000 lines.


For each Testing operation, print "SUCCESS" if the two computers can communicate, or "FAIL" if not.

Sample Input

4 1
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
O 1
O 2
O 4
S 1 4
O 3
S 1 4

Sample Output



O U 指令表示修复编号为U的电脑(电脑只有被修复之后才能进行数据连接)。

S U V 指令要求你返回 编号U电脑和 编号V电脑是否可以进行数据连接(只有U和V电脑同时被修复且连通才行)。


现在要你回答每一条S U V指令,如果U与V连通,输出SUCCESS ,否则输出FAIL。



#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
const int maxn=;
int fa[maxn],vis[maxn];
int n,d;
struct node
int x,y;
}p[maxn]; void init()
for(int i=;i<=n;i++)
} int find(int x)
return fa[x]==x?x:find(fa[x]);
} void join(int x,int y)
int fx=find(x);
int fy=find(y);
} bool dis(int x, int y){
float a = p[x].x - p[y].x;
float b = p[x].y - p[y].y;
if(a * a + b * b <= d * d) return true;
else return false;
int main()
char s[];
int x,y,a,b; scanf("%d%d",&n,&d); for(x=;x<=n;x++)
scanf("%d %d",&p[x].x , &p[x].y); init();
if(s[] == 'O')
if(vis[y] && dis(x,y))
scanf("%d %d",&x, &y);
if(vis[x] && vis[y] && find(x) == find(y))



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