- []
- ipaddress =
- username = xxxxx
- password = xxxxx
- #\u5F53 encryption \u6709\u503C\u65F6\uFF0C\u5C06\u8FDB\u884C\u5BC6\u7801\u89E3\u6790
- encryption =
- #\u5F53resolve \u4E3A False\u65F6\uFF0C\u9700\u8981\u66FF\u6362\u8FDC\u7A0B\u76EE\u5F55\u548C\u5F53\u524D\u76EE\u5F55\u7684\u53C2\u6570
- resolve = 1
- remoteDir = /bosscdr/tobak/jf_bass
- localDir = /interface/cyg/[SDT_YYYYMMDD]
- #\u4E0A\u6B21\u4FDD\u5B58\u7684\u6587\u4EF6\u83B7\u53D6\u5217\u8868
- lastFileList = /interface/cyg/lastfilelist.txt
- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- '''
- 函数说明 :获取远程文件
- 编写时间: 2015-5-5
- 编 写 人 : chenyangang
- ----------------------------------------
- 实现方法:
- 1、获取配置文件中制定的ftp服务器信息,用户名采用加密方式
- 2、获取远程目录下的文件列表,若存在保存的文件列表,进行比对,提取差异文件
- 3、根据差异文件进行文件获取
- '''
- import datetime
- import ConfigParser
- import os
- import ftplib
- import cPickle
- class GetDataBaseDiff(object):
- def __init__(self, config, interfaceID = None, interfaceDate = None, delay = 0):
- self.config = config
- self.interfaceID = interfaceID
- #默认为当天日期
- if interfaceDate == None:
- self.interfaceDate = - \
- datetime.timedelta(delay),"%Y%m%d")
- def getConfig(self, interfaceDate):
- readConfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- with open(self.config,'r') as configFile:
- readConfig.readfp(configFile)
- hostaddr = readConfig.get('','ipaddress')
- username = readConfig.get('','username')
- #是否解析参数和加密
- resolve = readConfig.get('','resolve')
- encryption = readConfig.get('','encryption')
- #目录信息
- remoteDir = readConfig.get('','remoteDir')
- localDir = readConfig.get('','localDir')
- #存储上次获取文件列表
- lastFileList = readConfig.get('','lastFileList')
- if encryption == '' :
- password = readConfig.get('','password')
- else:
- command = encryption + ' ' + readConfig.get('','password')
- password = os.popen(command)
- if resolve == '' :
- month = interfaceDate[0:6]
- remoteDir = remoteDir.replace(r"[SDT_YYYYMMDD]", interfaceDate)
- remoteDir = remoteDir.replace(r"[SDT_YYYYMM]",month)
- localDir = localDir.replace(r"[SDT_YYYYMMDD]", interfaceDate)
- localDir = localDir.replace(r"[SDT_YYYYMM]",month)
- return hostaddr, username, password, remoteDir, localDir, lastFileList
- def connect(self, hostaddr, username, password):
- try:
- connftp = ftplib.FTP(hostaddr)
- except ftplib.error_perm:
- print "The ipaddress (ipaddress) refused!" %{'ipaddress':hostaddr}
- try:
- connftp.login(username, password)
- except ftplib.error_perm:
- print "This username (username) refuse connect, please check your\
- username or password!" %{'username':username}
- return connftp
- def getFileList(self, connftp, remoteDir):
- #获取文件详细信息,包括权限、文件大小、属主等信息,其中第5项为文件大小
- connftp.cwd(remoteDir)
- filesDetail = connftp.nlst('-l')
- #保存文件名称和大小
- fileList = {}
- for fileDetail in filesDetail:
- filelistFromDetail = fileDetail.strip().split()
- fileList[filelistFromDetail[-1]] = filelistFromDetail[4]
- return fileList
- def comparisonFileList(self, lastFileList, newFileList):
- #装载上一次文件获取信息
- if len(open(lastFileList, "rb").readlines()) > 0 :
- with open(lastFileList, "rb") as fp:
- try:
- lastfileList = cPickle.load(fp)
- except EOFError:
- print "Load (filename) was failed"%{'filename':lastFileList}
- else:
- lastfileList={}
- lastfileset = set(lastfileList.keys())
- newfileSet = set(newFileList.keys())
- #提取新增文件列表
- diffFileList = list(newfileSet - lastfileset)
- sameFileName = list(newfileSet & lastfileset)
- #提取前后文件大小不一致的文件列表
- for samefilename in sameFileName:
- if newFileList[samefilename] != lastfileList[samefilename]:
- diffFileList.append(samefilename)
- del lastfileList
- #保存最新文件获取列表
- fp = open(lastFileList, "wb")
- lastfileList = cPickle.dump(newFileList, fp)
- fp.close()
- return diffFileList
- def machedFileList(self, diffFileList, interfaceID, interfaceDate):
- return [flist for flist in diffFileList if interfaceID in flist \
- and interfaceDate in flist]
- def download(self, connftp, localDir, getFileList):
- #进入本地目录
- if not os.path.isdir(localDir) :
- os.makedirs(localDir)
- try:
- os.chdir(localDir)
- except :
- print 'Dose\'t enter the directory , mybe you have not authority!'
- #获取最新文件
- for remotefile in getFileList:
- try:
- connftp.retrbinary("RETR %s"%remotefile, open(remotefile,"wb").write)
- except ftplib.error_perm:
- print 'ERROR: cannot read file "%s"' % remotefile
- connftp.quit()
- if __name__ == '__main__' :
- interfaceDate = ''
- interfaceID = None
- getDataBaseDiff = GetDataBaseDiff('./', interfaceDate, 0)
- hostaddr, username, password, remoteDir, localDir, lastFileList = getDataBaseDiff.getConfig(interfaceDate)
- connectionFtp = getDataBaseDiff.connect(hostaddr, username, password)
- fileList = getDataBaseDiff.getFileList(connectionFtp, remoteDir)
- diffFileList = getDataBaseDiff.comparisonFileList(lastFileList, fileList)
- if interfaceID is not None and len(diffFileList) >0:
- getFileList = getDataBaseDiff.machedFileList(diffFileList, interfaceID, interfaceDate)
-, localDir, getFileList)
- else:
-, localDir, diffFileList)
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